Hon Chairperson, I hope that the hon Jeremy Cronin will not be jealous of this one, because this is umrabulo [a political education] to him. I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that today marks the 132nd anniversary of the death of Karl Marx;
2) further notes that the philosopher, social scientist, historian and revolutionary, Karl Marx, was without a doubt the most influential socialist thinker to emerge in the 19th century, although he was largely ignored by scholars during his lifetime;
3) acknowledges that his social, economic and political ideas gained acceptance in the socialist movement after his death in 1883;
4) further acknowledges that Karl Marx was born into a comfortable middle-class family on 5 May 1818 and ...
Order, hon members! [Interjections.]
Members must just listen because this is umrabulo [a political education] for them. I continue:
... at the age of 17 he enrolled in the faculty of law at the University of Bonn, but later moved to the University of Berlin, where he became a member of the Young Hegelians movement, marking the start of his activism;
5) recognises that Marx later became a journalist and his socialist writings and political activities caused his expulsion from Germany and France;
6) further recognises that in 1848 he published The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels and was exiled to London, where he wrote the first volume of Das Capital, and where he lived the remainder of his life; ...
This is a voluntary umrabulo, comrades! [Interjections.] I continue: 7) acknowledges that the most important lessons Marxism offers, in the best tradition of radical leftist movements, are in the analysis of the structure of the capitalist society whose main components are the ruling class, mass media, government and management and that the subordinates are therefore the workers and the working class; ...
This is Politics 101, comrades! [Interjections.]
Order, hon member. Please stick to your motion.
I continue:
8) further confirms that Marx's works emphasise how government throughout history has been a tool for the exploitation of the masses by the ruling class, that the struggle has been the main urgency of historical change, and that the capitalist system will inevitably, after the period of the dictatorship of the proletariat, be superseded by a socialist order and a classless society;
9) understands that the conditions that Karl Marx speaks about in all his works are still relevant in South Africa even today, under the ANC government; ...
We have all witnessed how the government has opened a gateway for all to milk South Africa of its resources while exploiting the poor and the most disadvantaged in the most unimaginable ways. I contiue:
10) notes that Marx's works have also given us the ability to accurately assess the relationship between all socioeconomic and political forces at work and how best to respond to them by using tactics and strategy in every aspect of thinking and work in our quest to fully liberate our people;
11) confirms that on this day, in the words of Comrade Marx, we declare our commitment to our generational mission, economic freedom in our lifetime; ...
In the EFF we say, "Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution." I continue:
12) declares that "the proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains" and "they have a world to win".
Working men of all countries, unite!
Are there any objections to the motion? [Interjections.]
That was not umrabulo [a political education]. It was Wikipedia! [Laughter.]
Order! There is an objection to the motion. Therefore, the motion without notice becomes a notice of motion. Hon members, I can see we are having a lot of political discussion and that it will be happening in this Parliament for the next five years.
Madam Chair, with due respect ... [Interjections.]
Order! Do you have a point of order?
Yes. We would like to invite the hon Jeremy Cronin to Politics 101 with the EFF. [Interjections.]
That is not a point of order. [Interjections.]
We are free to lecture him. He has graduated to being a yellow communist. [Interjections.]
Hon member Hlengiwe, take your seat!