Hon House Chairperson, I am glad that Minister Davies is here to hear this. Once again the ANC has been caught out in hypocrisy, less than a week after they were gleefully blaming the DA for a green card project in Worcester. During yesterday's Police Portfolio Committee meeting, the National Police Commissioner completely debunked the ANC'S politically motivated propaganda ... [Interjections.] ... by admitting that the initiative was actually enabled and facilitated by the local SA Police Service management, with no involvement in its implementation by the DA-run Breede Valley Local Municipality. [Interjections.]
During her testimony, Commissioner Phiyega admitted to the committee that the green cards were initiated by a local sector forum and community police forum in collaboration with the SAPS and that this plan was agreed to by the SAPS in July 2014 through the acting sergeant in command at the time. [Interjections.] A stronger factual rebuttal to the ANC's opportunism on this issue would be difficult to imagine.
The DA welcomes the commissioner's announcement that the SAPS will begin withdrawing the cards and end its role in this project. Community-based crime prevention should never be done in a way that compromises constitutional rights.
As in the case of the Lwandle evictions by the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, Prasa, the ANC has once again been exposed and has had to learn the old lesson that you should be careful when you point out blame, because there are always three fingers pointing back at you. [Interjections.] [Applause.]