House Chair, I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that according to the Minister of Public Service and Administration, 640 public servants in his department have fraudulent academic qualifications;
2) further notes that these 640 officials deliberately misled the department by claiming to have qualifications that do not exist, and that the department employed these fraudsters regardless of their intensive vetting and screening processes;
3) also notes that the department consists of 1,3 million employees, while vetting of qualifications has been conducted on only 30 000 employees;
4) acknowledges the huge delays with pre-employment screening and security vetting, with the process often lasting between three and six months;
5) also acknowledges the massive challenge that the Public Service Commission encounters with the Department of Public Works and the State Security Agency, as well as the SA Police Service, in the screening and vetting processes;
6) calls on the Minister to address the capacity constraints and to put measures in place to reduce the delays in the screening and vetting processes; and
7) also calls on the Minister to send a clear message to everyone in our Public Service by immediately firing those found guilty of fraud.
Hon House Chair, I object to the manner in which the facts were presented. [Interjections.]
Order! The objection has been noted. The motion without notice has not been agreed to. Therefore, the motion without notice becomes a notice of motion.