House Chair, I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that an Eastern Cape teacher, Mphikeleli Botomane, from Sophatisana Secondary School, was honoured for excellence in teaching physical science;
2) further notes that a Grade R teacher, Lisa de la Cornillere-Schutte, from Cambridge Primary School, was also recognised, with third place for her excellence in teaching;
3) recognises that these two excellent teachers were awarded National Teaching Awards at a national ceremony, held on 7 March 2015 at the Gallagher Convention Centre, by the Minister of Basic Education, hon Angie Motshekga;
4) acknowledges that Mr Botomane receives this award after his hard work in teaching children without any laboratory equipment and that, through his tireless efforts, he managed to get a three-year equipment sponsorship from the corporate world, which started in 2015;
5) congratulates these two teachers for their outstanding efforts and passion; and
6) wishes them well, and that they will be an inspiration to their peers around the country.
Agreed to.