Order hon
members. Is there any member that wishes to give notice of a motion? You must just keep your hands there so that I write down all the people because it is quite a few. I will start this side TB I will come to you. Cloete ABC, are you sitting here now? Oh, you are a traveller in this place, I see you on another seat every day. I am here now, Nchabeleng, I love you more than my mother, I am here now Boshoff, the motion without notice not the one that says notices of motion. I must also get used to these things. Motion without notice, please remember that one our province. Labuschagne, ntate Njandu...
without... so you will be in the next. First one, there is notices of motion and it the one that we are starting with now. Each and every one is one and half minutes, maximum 20 minutes. We will start with ABC, hon Cloete.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the FF Plus:
That the House-
debates the end of the brain drain through race policies such as Broadband Black Empowerment and Affirmative Action South Africa in order to save the South African economy and service delivery. I so move.
That is a notice of motion so I do not think that there is any process that needs to follow that, hon Smit from Limpopo.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the DA:
That the Council-
debates the review of the Agri-parks approach to research and develop a model of sustainable, cost effective support to small scale and subsistence farmers in South Africa. I so move.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the EFF:
That the Council-
debates the socio-economic state of the military veterans and their families, and whether or not there are plans for the department to ease the suffering of military veterans during the festive season. Thank you.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the IFP:
That the Council-
debates the need for a stricter regulation and controls within the gambling industry, whereby people can set personal limits
on amounts they wish to gamble with either daily or per month. I so move.
I really hope that the table got it because I could not hear everything that the hon Mfayela was saying. It is fine, I am sure you will hand your proposal to the table.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:
That the Council-
1. notes that-
the 14 November notes marks World Diabetes Day which is part of the campaign that is led by the International Diabetes Federation and its member association around the world, including the American Diabetes Association, the Diabetes UK, Diabetes Australia, the Canadian Diabetes Association, Diabetes South Africa, Diabetes New Zealand
and the Diabetic Association of India to raise awareness about the deadly effect of diabetes.
2. further note that-
statistics from the International Diabetes Federation, the World Health Organisation and the Centre for Disease Control reveal that, worldwide over 415 million people are diabetic. Every six seconds, a person dies from diabetic related causes. Every 10 seconds, two people develop diabetes and every 30 seconds a lower limb is amputated worldwide due to diabetes.
3. enjoins the Council-
to debate the deadly impact of diabetes in South Africa and measures that are geared towards raising towards awareness about this silent killer. I so move.
Thank you hon Nchabeleng, hon Labuschagne.
Sorry hon Chair, I want to do a motion without notice.
You want to do a motion without notice, ok, yourself and ... yes I am coming to you. I am writing down those that already indicated that they are going to do motions without notice. I have a list of about one, two, three, four, five, six members. I ... [Inaudible.] ... I have covered you, ... you are covered. Do you still want to give a notice? Ok, I am coming to you because I was looking at you and you showed like, it is fine.
Members let me just conclude the list, ne. You must remember that there is a time limit to this. It is Mmola, who else here, Do Toit, I do have, I do have, I do have, without... no I am watching and you are notice of motion. I am coming to you, I am concluding my list because there are many members that want to... Tebogo... what is your ... Modise. I am concluding the list. I hope we will have enough time. Yeah mama Bebee, baba you want to be here again? Ok, Lehihi you want to, you want to... I am having so many motions. It is because it has been long since we had motions. You will speak now, you will speak now or you want to speak on both, but you will speak now, yes.
I am just concluding the list so that we do not come back to the same. The two of you also want to speak now, ok. After this, not now, Smit, Motsamai... you do not want give yours to her, because both of you are speaking, ok, otherwise the time might not cover all of us. We will now go to hon Goyiya on notices of motion.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the Council I shall move on behalf of the ANC:
That the House-
notes and debates
the transport month which take place in October to further advance the country's road safety initiatives whilst also creating awareness of the economic benefits of the sector, especially transport infrastructure services in aviation, maritime public transport and roads.
further notes that-
this year's transport month was launched by the President Cyril Ramaphosa on 05 October 2019 in Gauteng.
and acknowledges that-
whilst our investment in the transport sector continues to stimulate development and create jobs as part of the country's nine point plan, the country is still faced with a disconcert culture of negligence and utmost disregard of road safety. I so move.
Thank you very much hon Gxoyiya. That concludes the notices of motion. We are going to request... does any member wish to move a motion without notice. We already have a list of members and we will start with hon Landsman.
Hon Member: [Inaudible]... notice of motion.
Again, you did not indicate that; 20 minutes has not yet passed, so you can give your notice.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I shall move on behalf of the ANC:
That the Council-
1. notes that-
16 November marks International Day for Tolerance which is geared towards raising awareness about negative effects of intolerance and how various forms of injustice operation, racism,... [Inaudible] homophobia and unfair discrimination continues to divide individuals and communities around the globe.
2. further notes that-
International Day of Tolerance also seeks to promote tolerance, respect, appreciation and co-operation among the world's different cultures etiquette to communities, racial groups to continue to work together in peace and a united diversity.
3. to take the opportunity to join the rest of the world to call on people of South Africa on our rich cultural diversity and the positivity that has been originated by the Springboks win of the world cup in Japan and the steering performance the African Netball Team's performance in the 2019 African Netball Cup of Champions at Bellville in Cape Town. We should use these accomplishments to recommit ourselves to work tirelessly and without any rest to advance our national goal of building a democratic South Africa that is united in our diversity. I so move.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, it breaks my heart because we had three trainings on this, I do not know. You are supposed with great respect to ask the House after the motion without notice whether there is any objection on the motion. The House would then go, yes or no. That step has not been taken. Firstly, that part of the Rules needs to be actually applied. Secondly, a motion without notice does not start at, "at the next sitting of this house, I shall move that"; it actually starts with "I hereby move without notice". It is small little but we cannot have a fourth training session, but you are supposed with great respect whether this House agrees or not.
Thank you very much hon Michalakis, but all the members indicated that they want to give notices of motion. That is why we are following the process that we are following now.
Agb Zandamela, so leer ons almal, maar so leer ons ook om te luister.
Hon Deputy Chair, I rise on behalf of the EFF to give a notice without motion-
That the House-
debate the-
state of our local municipal councils since many of them in the country are under section 139 and in most of them there is no improvement. I so move that the house in the next sitting debate the state of our municipalities. Thank you.
...motion now without notice or one with notice. Hon Deputy Chair, what is the Rule here then? There is a 20 minute
time limit for motions. How long is it for motions with notice and how long for motions without notice?
Can I ask the hon members one thing?
At least you have to announce from the chair.
Can I ask the hon members one thing? Can I use my discretion? Because of the fact that it has been very long that we did not have the opportunity for members to put motions, I know we've got Rules but can I use my discretion here. I am just asking the hon members. I am using my discretion here, I am really using my discretion and I would appreciate if other people appreciate it [Applause.] Can hon Mmoeimang... hon Mmoeimang.
Ke go tlotlile, Motlatsamodulasetilo wa Ntlo.
I rise in terms of Rule 78(1)(2) to give notice that in the next sitting of the Council I shall move that-
that the Council-
notes that-
this coming Sunday, 17 November marks the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims, which is a day commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year, to remember the many millions who are killed and injured on the world's roads together with their families, friends and many others who are also affected by road accidents.
further notes that-
the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims is also a day on which we thank the emergency services and reflects on the tremendous burden and costs of these daily continuing disasters to families, communities and countries and on ways to hold a carnage on our roads. We take this opportunity to remember and pay homage to the millions of our people who were killed in road accidents and those who were injured together with their families, friends and many others who are also affected by road accidents. I so move hon Deputy Chair