Hon members, as there is no Speaker's List, we shall now move over to the questions. Members will remember that what has been said is that we should deal with these matters in a slightly different fashion. Now that we are done with the motion, we will now move over to questions. Remember we said that we are going to deal with the motion, Oral Questions and then reports, instead of doing it the other way round.
So, we will move onto the Oral Questions. Members should remember that in dealing with the questions, we have to remind members that as we do so, we must just please remember that the supplementary question asked will have to relate to original question. There are
four supplementary questions per question. So, the first question is Question 167 from Ms T C Modise and it is directed to the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. Minister!
Chair, on a point of order! Sorry, I just want to rise on a point of order regarding Questions 140 and 164, which bears Mr Smit's name, as indicated in stars. It is not him that raised the questions but myself. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Let us just note it. I am sure one can say this in advance: That Question 140 will be put by Mr Smit; and Question 142 by hon Labuschagne.
Pleasure, thank you!