Hon Chairperson, on a point of order, my hand has been raised since the beginning for a motion without notice and I have not been recognised. This is hon Aucamp. Thank you, hon Chairperson. On behalf of the Democratic alliance I hereby move a motion without notice:
That this Council-
1) notes that during the deliberation of the provincial mandate for the Division of Revenue Bill several provinces ask for more money to be made available in order to assist the agricultural sector that are suffering under the effects of the crippling drought;
2) further notes that Treasury in its answers to the provinces said that more money can be made available to provinces should a state of disaster with regards to the drought be declared either nationally or provincially;
3) also notes that during February this year, the country was declared as a drought disaster area and that the disaster declaration was not renewed and therefore are not in place anymore;
4) further notes that many parts of our country have since February this year still not received yearly average rainfall and are still
experiencing devastating effects of this prolong drought and that there are areas that receive average rainfall, but due to the devastating effect of this drought still do not have enough grazing available for the animals;
5) lastly, notes that should certain provinces or areas within provinces be declared as drought disaster areas, provinces will have more access to funding in order to assist agricultural sector in those areas in the provinces that are still suffering due to this drought; and
6) requests the Minister of Cogta, the President and all the relevant provincial premiers to investigate the possibility of declaring certain areas as drought disaster areas as a matter of urgency.
Motion objected to.