Chair, I just want to say to the hon member who raised the issue of the pollution of the Vaal that it is indeed a very important matter. Government is seized with it. We are led by the Deputy President as we look at the matter.
But it is clear that the problem is the aging infrastructure in the various municipalities. Therefore we have to address that and we are doing our best to do so. But it will not happen overnight because the aging infrastructure needs a lot of resources. It's not just one municipality that needs its infrastructure refurbished.
However, thank you for raising the issue. We are seized with it. Thank you.
Those who are not recognised today, this item has been moved to be the first item on days that we have motions.
Chairperson, I rise on a point of order.
Wait, I'm still addressing the House; I will come to you.
So, I'm just saying, we need to realise that it has changed. It is now the first item on those days. Hence we could not do it because the executive was not here when we started. But we heard seven of them, and that is the new Rule.
Yes, what is your point of order, hon member?
House Chair, I think you would have given us our daily bread ... Minister Cele, to please come and apologise today. I think the responses were very poor.
No, hon member, that is not a point of order. I don't understand what you mean by "daily bread" anyway!
Mr D M NKOSI / nvs(Eng)[03/03/2020] / Litha(Xho)[02/03/2020] / TAKE ENDS AT 16:18