That's what I am saying...
... [Inaudible.]...
The Chief Whip of the NCOP: ...thanks... I understand it, yes ok...
The Chief Whip of the NCOP: ...yes Chair, thanks...
We will proceed.
There was a proposal on the whatsapp group, not to have motions yesterday and today. I made a counter proposal and said can we keep the motions for today, nobody said it should be kept or should be off and it's still on the programme that we adopted this morning. So, either we have to get our communication channels very clear because we can not go on working like this.
Yes, eh...
The Chief Whip of the NCOP:, can I...
... I will ask the Chief Whip just to make one comment, one more time and then I will make a ruling on the matter.
Yah, Chair we proposed that for yesterday's debates and today's debate, they occupy a special place
that would not have motions. Motions will be on Tuesday, on the first day of the debates. So, still, I recommend that we stick on the decision we have made in the Whippery. Thanks.
Eh... members, as I understand it and this is my ruling really, is that we will have this short motion by the Chief Whip and that indeed in future, if there are difficulties, it will be very useful that these difficulties be raised before the beginning of the proceedings. Eh ... Chief Whip.