Mr Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen

Politician Profile Page

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen

About Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Higher Education Higher Education Committee Reports
    9 May 2018

    The Committee adopted reports and minutes of meetings held.

    The Committee was concerned with the issue of Gender Based Violence and asked if there was anything the Committee could do about this because this issue required serious attention. The Chairperson said the students should be invited to the meeting as ...

  • Higher Education Community Education and Training (CET) latest developments: Department briefing
    2 May 2018

    The Department of Higher Education and Training updated the Committee on progress and challenges within the Community Education and Training sector. Areas highlighted were the budget and expenditure of the branch, infrastructure at centres, monitoring and oversight at centres, progress made towards sustainable governance structures and improving the capacity of ...

  • Higher Education Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) status report
    19 Apr 2018

    The Chairperson expressed disappointment over the absence of the Council in the oversight meeting and hoped that they would respond to the issues raised in that meeting. The chairperson of the Council tendered an apology for their absence. In her explanation, their absence was mainly because of the composition of ...

  • Higher Education NSFAS & Council on Higher Education 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan
    18 Apr 2018

    The National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) presented its annual performance plan (APP) to the Committee. A key focus of the plan was to put the necessary system improvements into place and increase its capacity to implement its new mandate of administering the roll-out of fee-free education in 2018/19 effectively. ...

  • Higher Education Department 2018/19 Revised Strategic Plan & Annual Performance Plan; with Minister
    18 Apr 2018

    The Department of Higher Education and Training presented its Annual Performance Plan (APP) to a joint sitting of the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training and the Select Committee on Education and Recreation. This provided Members with an overview of the programmes that the Department would be running in ...

  • Higher Education Department of Higher Education and Training Annual Performance Plan, with AGSA input
    14 Mar 2018

    The Committee received a briefing by the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) on the draft 2018-19 annual performance plan (APP) of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).

    They reviewed the process for the preparation, submission and approval of strategic plans and APPs, and described how they assessed ...

  • Higher Education University of Zululand Audit Report by CHE and Department response, with Minister
    7 Mar 2018

    The Council of Higher Education presented its audit of the University of Zululand to the Committee. The audit reported on the institution’s compliance with recommendations made in the hand-over report by the Administrator of the University and was intended to provide a basis for the formation of an improvement strategy. ...

  • Higher Education National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) & DHET status report, with Deputy Minister
    28 Feb 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training received a briefing from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) outlining how it will utilise the increased budget provisions received by the sector. 

    Adding to the R10bn the Department received in October, National Treasury provided an additional R57 billion to ...

  • Higher Education Department of Higher Education and Training Quarter 3 performance, with Deputy Minister
    21 Feb 2018

    The Department of Higher Education and Training presented its Third Quarter report, for the 2017/18 Financial Year, to the Committee. The presentation covered the strategic objectives, targets set, targets achieved, targets not achieved and achievements for the six programmes of the Department, namely, Administration, Planning, Policy and Strategy, University Education, ...

  • Higher Education Community Education and Training (CET) update by Department of Higher Education and Training
    29 Nov 2017

    The South African ABET Educators Union (SAAEU) gave an outline of the multitude of challenges they were confronted with. These included low pay and non-payment of salaries, non-recognition of their Adult Education and Training (AET) diplomas, bullying by centre managers, as well as mainstream teachers having two jobs (“double-parking”), while ...