Ms Peace Mabe

Politician Profile Page

Peace Mabe

About Peace Mabe

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Mandela Bay Theatre Complex 2022/23 Annual Report & challenges; NCLIS Panel; with Deputy Minister
    3 Sep 2024


    Mandela Bay Theatre Complex

    The Committee was briefed by the Mandela Bay Theatre Complex (MBTC) on their 2022/23 annual report, and Members were informed that the reason it had received two audit disclaimers was because the audits carried out by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) had been done ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Department response to Budget questions & Committee Report; with Deputy Minister
    12 Jul 2024

    The Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture convened in a virtual meeting to continue deliberations with the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC) on their Strategic Plan and the Annual Performance Plan for the 2024/25 financial year.

    Members sought and received clarity on the impact of the LoveLife ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Election of Chairperson; Sports, Arts & Culture 2024/25 Budget; with Ministry
    10 Jul 2024

    The Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture of the Seventh Parliament convened physically for the first time in Parliament. For the election of the Chairperson, each present member was entitled to nominate one person and one vote was allocated to each present member. Mr Joseph McGluwa was elected as ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Review of the FMPPLA & accompanying regulations; organisational realignment; PBO challenges
    19 Mar 2024


    The Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament, comprising Members from the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces, held a virtual meeting to receive status reports on several key agenda items. The Committee discussed the review of the Financial Management of Parliament Act (FMPPLA), development of ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Status report on progress to address concerns around Parliament’s budget allocation
    15 Mar 2024


    The Secretary to Parliament provided the Committee with an update on an ongoing issue plaguing the Committee – the budget of Parliament. For a long time, the institution has felt that it cannot be treated like any government department when it comes to the budget allocation as Parliament is ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Fire at Parliament: Restoration & Upgrading
    8 Mar 2024


    Members were excited by the concept of using natural resources, for an “Afrocentric Parliament” and the inclusion of a day care centre after “years of fighting”. They were also pleased to hear that historical books and other artefacts were restored. They said the new Parliament should reflect its global ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Consideration and adoption of committee minutes and reports
    5 Mar 2024


    The Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament, comprising Members from the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces, convened a virtual meeting to deal with internal Committee business.  

    The minutes from meetings on 28 November 2023 and 1 March 2024 were adopted, followed by the acceptance ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliament Quarter 3 2023/24 performance
    1 Mar 2024


    The Committee met on a virtual platform to be briefed on Parliament’s third quarterly performance for 2023/24. Members were taken through a detailed presentation on the performance. The presentation covered a summary of committee activity in the quarter under review including oversight visits conducted, statutory appointments, legislation, study tours ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliament 2023/24 mid-year performance report
    24 Nov 2023


    The Committee met on a virtual platform, with the Speaker of the National Assembly, to be briefed on Parliament’s 2023/24 mid year performance.

    The Chairperson said the Committee had worked very hard and had made progress in many areas like filling critical vacancies– the Committee was moving in the ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliamentary Budget Office 2022/23 Annual Report
    10 Nov 2023


    In this virtual meeting, the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) had its first meeting with the Committee to present its 2022/23 Annual Report.

    The PBO was established ten years ago in terms of section 15(1) of the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act. Its main objective is to ...