Mr Darren Bergman

Politician Profile Page

Darren Bergman

About Darren Bergman

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Federation of Dance Sport SA & Dance Sport School League
    20 Feb 2018

    The Dance Sport School League (DSSL) and the Federation of Dance Sport South Africa (DSSA) briefed the Committee on the funding challenges they faced, the involvement of the Department of Sport and Recreation, accreditation and affiliation, the curriculum, the benefits of dance sport at schools, and how dance sport was ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Sports and Recreation SA Quarter 2 performance; Ministerial Committees of Inquiry; SASREA Board Annual Report; with Minister and Deputy Minister
    13 Feb 2018

    The Minister of Sport and Recreation, Mr Thulas Nxesi, and the Deputy Minister, Mr Gert Oosthuizen, briefed the Portfolio Committee on Sports and Recreation’s on the Department’s Quarter 2 Report and presented the report on the status of the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee and FNB Stadium Committees of ...

  • International Relations Committee Report on Canada Study Tour & Oversight of South Africa’s international relations policy in Ottawa
    31 Jan 2018

    Relevant documents: Draft Report of Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation on Study Tour to Ottawa, Canada
    Draft Report of Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation on conducting oversight on implementation and execution of South Africa’s international relations policy in Ottawa, Canada [Committee reports available under Tabled  Reports once ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Lovelife 2016/17 annual performance; challenges and plans
    30 Jan 2018

    The Committee received a briefing from Lovelife on its annual performance, finances, challenges and plans. 

    Lovelife through its strategic period from 2014-19, aims to:

    • Act as the strategic implementing partner for government on issues relating to young people and in particular with Sports and Recreation South Africa (SRSA)
    • Provide linkages ...
  • International Relations DIRCO & African Renaissance Fund Quarter 1 & 2 performance
    29 Nov 2017

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) briefed the Committee on their Quarter 1 and 2 Performance that spans April to September 2017. Performance indicators of five programmes were presented during quarter one and two, in addition to the financial performance of each programme.

    The Committee was disappointed at ...

  • International Relations Zimbabwe and Lesotho: DIRCO briefing; Foreign Service Bill: SA Association of Former Ambassadors, Stats SA & Departments input
    22 Nov 2017

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) provided the Committee with an updated overview of the current political situations in the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Kingdom of Lesotho.

    The presentation on Zimbabwe elaborated on speculation of what would happen after Robert Mugabe, the former President, announced his resignation. ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Swimming SA: status report
    15 Nov 2017

    Swimming South Africa (SSA) briefed the Committee on its governance, transformation, financials and sponsorship, programmes including development and school programmes and preparation for upcoming international events. The presentation from SSA highlighted issues of governance, transformation, sponsorship, programmes and preparation for the upcoming events. The SSA Strategy for 2017 to 2020 ...

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: DHET, DoT; DTPS; DEA & Department of Energy input
    8 Nov 2017

    The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation convened for inputs on the Foreign Service Bill by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Department of Transport (DoT) and the Department of Energy (DOE).

    DHET supported the Bill, but highlighted the confusion in terms of clause 6. There ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Sport and recreation infrastructure delivery: SRSA, COGTA, Treasury, SALGA inputs
    7 Nov 2017

    The Committee received briefings from the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), National Treasury (NT), the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) and Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA) on the utilisation of the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) for sport and ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Sport and Recreation Budget Review & Recommendations Report
    1 Nov 2017

    2017 Budget Review & Recommendations Reports – BRRR

    The Committee considered and adopted the Sport and Recreation Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report (BRRR).

    As part of the recommendations, Members commented that the SABC still holds the key to transformation in sports. Most sporting codes have fallen short because of SABC ...