Mr David John Maynier

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David John Maynier

About David John Maynier

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Finance Standing Committee SAA latest quarterly report (meeting postponed)
    16 May 2018

    A briefing by South African Airways (SAA) to the Standing Committee was called off after Members from the ANC and DA disputed whether a decision was taken to close the meeting by the Committee at its previous engagement with SAA – this was so that SAA could provide finer details ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial Sector Regulation Act Regulations; National Treasury Budget: Committee Report
    15 May 2018

    The Standing Committee on Finance was briefed by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) on its transition from the Financial Services Board (FSB), as part of formal implementation of the Twin Peaks model of financial sector regulation, as envisaged in the Financial Sector Regulation Act (FSRA). Differences between the disbanded ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill 2018: input from Human Sciences Research Council & DA
    11 May 2018

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations was briefed by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) on the 2018 Appropriation Bill. The Committee also considered DA proposals on the Appropriations Bill.

    HSRC raised a number of pertinent socio-economic issues relating to early childhood development (ECD), post-school education, land reform and the wider ...

  • Finance Standing Committee IRBA Annual Report & high profile investigations of KPMG, Deloitte, Nkonki
    9 May 2018

    Annual Reports 2016/17

    The Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors CEO highlighted that IRBA was globally respected and viewed as a leader in audit reform. IRBA was a founding member of IFIAR (International Forum of Independent Regulators) and its CEO was on the IFIAR Board and chaired the board audit committee. ...

  • Finance Standing Committee National Treasury 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan; with Minister
    8 May 2018

    The Standing Committee on Finance was briefed by National Treasury on its 2018/19 Annual Performance Plans (APPs) in the presence of the Minister of Finance.

    The Minister highlighted Treasury’s priorities over the coming year. Apart from being committed to driving faster economic growth and encouraging significant new investment in the ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Illicit Tobacco Trade
    2 May 2018

    The Standing Committee on Finance on Wednesday was briefed by several bodies on illicit financial flows in the tobacco industry. Among the bodies which made presentations was the Tobacco Institute of South Africa (TISA), the Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA), the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC), National Treasury, the Directorate ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws (“VAT”) Bill: briefing & public hearings; Davis Tax Committee
    25 Apr 2018

    The Standing Committee on Finance, jointly with the Select Committee on Finance, held public hearings on the Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill.

    National Treasury highlighted that the Rates Bill was published on Budget Day and dealt with key rate monetary threshold changes, and more complex ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Public Investment Corporation Amendment Bills (Private Members' Bill & Committee Bill): briefing, with National Treasury & GEPF input
    24 Apr 2018

    The Standing Committee on Finance met for get briefings on the Public Investment Corporation Amendment Bills: both the Private Members' Bill and Committee Bill. National Treasury and the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) were present to give inputs.

    The Parliamentary Legal Unit outlined the amendments to the PIC Bill as ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial and Fiscal Commission 2016/17 Annual Report
    18 Apr 2018

    Annual Reports 2016/17 

    The Standing Committee on Finance was briefed by the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) on its 2016-17 annual report as well as on the forensic probe undertaken following allegations made in 2016 by an employee.

    The FFC highlighted that its Research and Recommendations Programme Division had achieved the ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial Sector Regulation Act regulations
    17 Apr 2018

    The Standing Committee deliberated on regulations in terms of the Financial Sector Regulation Act (FSR Act).

    National Treasury gave a presentation on the regulations and highlighted that they were intended to clarify the performance of functions in terms of the Act during the transitional period prior to the establishment of ...