Mr David John Maynier

Politician Profile Page

David John Maynier

About David John Maynier

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Finance Standing Committee FICA Bill and Committee Report: adoption
    21 Feb 2017

    The meeting began with deliberations on the Committee Report on the referral of the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill [B 33B–2015]. This report contains the Committee’s conclusions regarding comments from the President on the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill.

    There were no further changes to the Committee proposed amendments to ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Budget 2017: pre-budget briefing by Parliamentary Budget Office
    21 Feb 2017

    A pre-budget briefing was given to the four finance committees by the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO). The presentation highlighted lower-than-expected revenues as a key challenge facing the fiscus. Also discussed were the main avenues of expenditure, the trajectory of the budget and the potential tools available to government to reduce ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation: public hearings; FICA Bill: proposed amendments
    15 Feb 2017

    Portfolio Committee amendments (see previous version)

    The Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) said that the Enron case showed that auditors could become too close to companies. The Masterbond case led to recommendations to strengthen regulations to ensure stricter audit oversight and guard the independence of auditors. IRBA ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Money Bills Amendment Procedure Act review: joint workshop
    8 Feb 2017

    Parliament’s Constitutional and Legal Services Office (CLSO) presented at the joint workshop to the Finance and Appropriations Standing and Select Committees. It noted that the National Assembly had passed a resolution in May 2016 that the Finance Standing Committee should review the Money Bills Act with a view to introduce ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Insurance Bill [B1-2016]: public hearings
    7 Feb 2017

    Public hearings were held by the Committee on the Insurance Bill. Stakeholders were invited to give comment on the Bill and six different parties presented oral submissions. The South African Insurance Association (SAIA) believed that the Bill had to be processed urgently as it contributed to financial stability and governance ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill: Treasury response to submissions
    1 Feb 2017

    The Parliamentary Legal Advisor recapped the important points that came up during the public hearing about the President is reservations on the constitutionality of section 45B(1C) warrantless searches in the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill he had referred back to Parliament. The senior counsel legal opinions set out general principles ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill: public hearings with Deputy Minister
    25 Jan 2017

    Public hearings were held on section 45B(1C) of the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill [B32B-2015] due to the President’s concerns about constitutionality of warrantless searches by inspectors.

    In his briefing on the referral process, the Senior Parliamentary Legal Advisor explained that the President could refer a Bill back to Parliament ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Insurance Bill [B1-2016]: briefing; Committee programme
    24 Jan 2017

    The National Treasury and the Financial Services Board (FSB) in their briefing on the Insurance Bill [B1-2016] said insurers and banks had different business models and risk profiles. The Bill was aligned with the Twin Peaks distinction between prudential and market conduct regulation. New insurance legislation had to attend to ...

  • Finance Standing Committee FICA Amendment Bill referral: briefings; Financial Sector Regulation Bill: omission; with Deputy Minister
    7 Dec 2016

    Discussion on Adoption of Financial Sector Regulation Bill
    The Committee discussed the reasons for the omission of three clauses of the Financial Sector Regulation Bill when it was voted on in the National Assembly on 6 December 2016 and the way forward. The Chairperson indicated that this had been a ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Committee Reports on 2016 MTBPS, Adjustment Appropriation Bill & Finance Bill
    5 Dec 2016

    Documents handed out:
    Report on the 2016 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement
    Report on the 2016 Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B16-2016]
    Report on the Finance Bill [B21-2016]
    [All Committee Reports available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

    Relevant Documents:
    Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act 9 of 2009
    Medium ...