Mr Erik Johannes Marais

Politician Profile Page

Erik Johannes Marais

About Erik Johannes Marais

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Public Enterprises Public Enterprise Portfolio Committee Legacy Report
    6 Mar 2019

    Available here once published: Legacy Reports

    The agenda of the meeting was to deliberate on the Committee’s legacy report. This was done to provide direction for the incoming Committee in the sixth parliament in order to resolve the ongoing issues.

    The Committee adopted the report and required a detailed report ...

  • Public Enterprises Transnet market demand strategy: implementation
    27 Feb 2019

    The Transnet board spoke of the progress made in ridding Transnet of malfeasance, recover stolen money, prosecute ex executives found of wrongdoing, restore the loss of integrity, refocus Transnet on its core mandate and reposition the company as an asset that serves the country. The board explained that Transnet qualified ...

  • Public Enterprises Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises Legacy Report
    20 Feb 2019

    Documents handed out: Report of the portfolio committee on public enterprises on its activities undertaken during the 5th parliament (March 2014-March 2019) available under Tabled Committee Reports once published

    The committee met to consider the draft legacy report of the Committee for the Fifth Parliament.

    Key highlights discussed included exercising ...

  • Public Enterprises Minister of Public Enterprises on State of Nation Address impact and Eskom
    13 Feb 2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Public Enterprises led by the Minister Pravin Gordhan on issues emanating from the State of Nation Address (SONA). Load shedding is expected to last until April and Eskom is also technically insolvent. The Committee were told of the problems uncovered at some ...

  • Public Enterprises Eskom Inquiry report: adoption
    28 Nov 2018

    The Eskom Inquiry Committee Report recommended that the Zondo Commission should summon two former ministers of the Department of Public Enterprises – Mr Malusi Gigaba and Ms Lynne Brown - to appear before it to share insight into the role they played as shareholder representative during the period corruption and ...

  • Public Enterprises South African Airways (SAA) turnaround: progress report; with Minister
    27 Nov 2018

    The Committee was briefed by the South African Airways (SAA) on progress in implementing its turnaround strategy, in the presence of the Minister.

    The SAA Board Chairperson pointed out that the new executive and management found a fractious and unstable organisation upon assumption of duty last year. Currently, there was ...

  • Public Enterprises Department of Public Enterprises Quarter 1 & 2 performance
    14 Nov 2018

    Public Enterprises Committee Implores Department to Address Municipal Debt

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Public Enterprises on its Q1 and 2 performance reports. It was revealed that Eskom was owed a whopping R18 billion by municipalities. An SOC Bill is in the offing that will help to ...

  • Public Enterprises Alexkor 2017/18 Annual Report
    7 Nov 2018

    Annual Reports 2017/18

    Alexkor affirmed a slightly positive financial result because of a small accounting (not cash) profit nd it obtained an unqualified audit opinion. However, Alexkor is still beset with difficulties such as managing its operational cash flow challenge. There is the potential of a going concern challenge by ...

  • Public Enterprises Repeal of Overvaal Resorts Limited Bill: adoption; Public Enterprises BRRR
    31 Oct 2018

    The Portfolio committee on Public Enterprises met to adopt the Department’s BRRR and the Repeal of Overvaal Resorts Limited Bill. The BRRR was adopted with amendments.

    The amendment was a recommendation to the Minister for Public Enterprises to engage the National Treasury on behalf of the entities under the department ...

  • Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Budgetary Review and Recommendations report
    17 Oct 2018

    Public Enterprise BRRR available once published: 2018 Budget Review & Recommendations Reports – BRRR

    The meeting which was originally billed as consideration and adoption of the Public Enterprise Draft Budgetary Review Report and Recommendations

    (BRRR) was amended to a draft BRRR because it was the first time the Committee was ...