Mr Francois Beukman

Politician Profile Page

Francois Beukman

About Francois Beukman

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Police Domestic Violence Act annual reports
    21 Jun 2017

    The Committee was briefed by the Civilian Secretariat for Police on the statistics relating to the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act (DVA) as required on a bi-annual basis by the legislation. Despite previous outstanding reports, the reports tabled and discussed in the meeting showed that there were significant challenges ...

  • Police PSIRA on Quarter 4 performance
    20 Jun 2017

    The Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) presented its fourth quarter performance report, and indicated that the organisation had achieved almost all of its targets in the period under review. However, in terms of financial performance, only 67% of the revenue had been collected. Total revenue was 12% below budget, ...

  • Police SAPS & Civilian Secretariat for Police on their Quarter 3 & 4 performance; DPW on procurement of SAPS office in Bloemfontein
    14 Jun 2017

    The South African Police Services (SAPS) and the Civilian Secretariat for Police (CSP) briefed the portfolio Committee on Police on their third and fourth quarter performances. In addition, the Department of Public Works (DPW) also briefed the Committee on the status of procuring the SAPS office in Bloemfontein.

    DPW acknowledged ...

  • Police Interim Acting National Commissioner introduction; petitions; Bloemfontein VIP Unit accommodation, with Minister
    7 Jun 2017

    The Interim Acting National Police Commissioner was introduced as a professional police officer who has shown himself to be exemplary and who had leadership skills beyond reproach. General Phiyega’s contract was coming to an end on 10 June 2017 and the process of appointing a National Police Commissioner would begin ...

  • Police Crime Statistics methodology: SAPS, Stats SA & independent crime analysts briefings
    31 May 2017

    The Committee met to receive briefings by stakeholders including South African Police Service, Institute of Security Studies, Statistics South Africa and Dr Chris De Kock on crime statistics.

    The South Africa Police Service (SAPS) said the crime statistics focused on all the crime reported at the 1 144 police stations, including ...

  • Police Procurement, Polmed, Buildings & Accommodation: SAPS, SAPU and POPCRU briefing
    24 May 2017

    The South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Committee on its procurement and contract management. The procurement of goods, works and services was done through quotations or a bidding process within the threshold values as determined by the National Treasury. All procurement actions in SAPS are governed by Legislation and ...

  • Police Committee Reports on SAPS, IPID, CSP Budget
    17 May 2017

    The Committee considered three reports, namely,

    • Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Police on the 2017/18 Budget Vote 23, Annual Performance Plan (APP) and 2014-2019 Strategic Plan of the Department of Police (SAPS)
    • Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Police on the 2017/18 Budget, Annual Performance Plan (APP) ...
  • Police Alleged SAPS interference with IPID investigations: SAPS & IPID briefing
    16 May 2017

    The Committee convened a meeting to hear from the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), and its Executive Director, Mr Robert McBride, and the Acting National Commissioner of Police, Lt. Gen. Khomotso Phahlane, in light of the public tension between the two following allegations of interference in the IPID investigation by ...

  • Police Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) on its Annual Performance Plan
    10 May 2017

    The Chairperson made a statement that the Portfolio Committee on Police had taken note of recent incidents in Vuwani, Coligny and Ennerdale, Eldorado Park and Richards Bay, where protests had escalated to violence and had led to damage of municipal infrastructure and residential housing.  The Committee called on community members ...

  • Police Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations, Civilian Secretariat for Police & IPID on their Annual Performance Plans
    4 May 2017

    The Committee met to consider the Annual Performance Plans (APPs) and budgets of entities within the ambit of the police portfolio, namely, Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DCPI), Civilian Secretariat for Police (CSP) and Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID). The DPCI, for the first time, presented its budget independently of ...