Ms Galerekwe Mase Manopole

Politician Profile Page

Galerekwe Mase Manopole

About Galerekwe Mase Manopole

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development AARTO Amendment Bill: negotiating mandates
    21 Aug 2018

    The Committee had in a previous session instructed the Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA)/ Department of Transport (DoT) to respond to proposed amendments made by provinces on the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Bill. The RTIA/DoT had already responded to the amendments proposed by the Eastern Cape ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Nobuntu Fuzane, Love Knysna & Mantsopa Petitions
    13 Sep 2017

    The Committee met to consider and adopt the Nobuntu Fuzane Petition Report, the Love Knysna Petition Report, outstanding minutes from previous meetings, and to table Executive Undertakings for future consideration.

    Disagreement over the Committee’s right to pursue some of the recommendations in its Nobuntu Fuzane petition report, led to a ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Minister of Higher Education and Training & Minister of Justice and Correctional Services: progress report
    6 Sep 2017

    The Committee met to consider the progress reports on the executive undertakings made by the Minister of Higher Education and Training on 9 June 2015, and by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services on 26 May 2015.

    The Minister of Higher Education and Training (DHET) reported that the Centre ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Committee Report on Free State oversight visit to police stations & correctional centre
    6 Sep 2017

    Documents handed out:
    Oversight visit to police station in Mafube Municipality
    Report of the police station in Masilonyana local municipality
    Report on Winburg Correctional Centre
    [All Committee reports available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

    The Committee considered the report on the oversight visit to the Free State province police ...

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration eMadlangeni Local Municipality report on Section 139 (1) (b)
    20 Jun 2017

    The Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs considered its report on whether to intervene in eMadlangeni Local Municipality in terms of Section 139(1) (b) of the Constitution (1996).

    The Committee resolved to disapprove the intervention. Members adopted the report after redrafting some of the paragraphs and make minor ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Judicial Matters Amendment Bill, Courts of Law Amendment Bill: briefing; Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill: adoption
    14 Jun 2017

    The Department of Justice briefed members on the Courts of Law Amendment Bill and the Judicial Matters Amendment Bill. While the Judicial Bill seeks to amend several laws that hamper the smooth administration of justice, the Courts Bill addresses alleged abuses in the civil debt recovery system, following the Constitutional ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Nobuntu Fuzane Petition Report
    7 Jun 2017

    Documents handed out:
    Draft Report on the Nobuntu Fuzane Petition

    The meeting was convened for the consideration and adoption of the Nobuntu Fuzane Petition Report. The petition had been submitted by Ms N Fuzane on behalf of her daughter, Tamara, and had raised complaints against Groote Schuur Hospital and Khayelitsha ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Department of Justice APP; Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill: briefing; Legal Aid Regulations, with Minister and Deputy Minister
    31 May 2017

    The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development said the Department’s strategic plan had been developed in the light of unfavourable global economic conditions. The areas of concern were a complete overhaul of the criminal justice system (CJS) and the Integrated Justice System (IJS), and their alignment to the democratic order, ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Makudubela & Africa Skills FET College Petition Reports; Executive Undertakings referred to the Committee
    31 May 2017

    The meeting was convened for the consideration and adoption of the Makudubela petition and the Africa Skills FET College petition.

    Consideration and adoption of the Makudubela Petition Report

    The Committee debated whether the Committee had the jurisdiction to deal with the matters presented in the petition considering the fact that ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) on its Annual Performance Plan
    24 May 2017

    The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) reported it had briefed the new Minister of Police on the 15 April 2017 on the Constitutional Court judgement which ruled that the IPID Act had to be amended to allow compliance with the Constitution, the Farlam Commission’s pronouncements and recommendations and the Auditor ...