Mr Comely Humphrey Maqocwa Maxegwana

Politician Profile Page

Comely Humphrey Maqocwa Maxegwana

About Comely Humphrey Maqocwa Maxegwana

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Department of Communications & GCIS on their Quarter 3 performance; Committee Report on SABC Interim Board
    14 Mar 2017

    Parliamentary Support Staff, the Department of Communication and Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) presented reports on 2016/17 third quarter financial performance. Highlighted in the presentations were concerns around underfunding which was debilitating the smooth and effective implementation of the mandates of the Department and GCIS.

    The Committee expressed displeasure ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Urgent meeting to finalise SABC Interim Board Candidates
    8 Mar 2017

    The Committee on Portfolio Committee on Communications held an urgent meeting to finalise a list of five Candidates to be considered to serve on the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) interim Board. The names were finalised after the National Assembly adopted the report of by the Ad-hoc Committee on the ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Films and Publications Amendment Bill: proposed amendments arising from hearings
    7 Mar 2017

    The Department of Communications gave feedback on the deliberations on the Films and Publications Amendment Bill. Amongst other issues, the Department presented on issues around a new tariff structure related to the Bill and the protection of children against harmful content on/offline.

    A new tariff structure related to the Bill ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC performance report; SABC Interim Board nominations
    28 Feb 2017

    Annual Reports 2015/16 

    An upheaval arose in the meeting as Members sought to receive clarity on how R5.1 billion could be rendered as irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Mr James Aguma, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer, went through many attempts to clarify this figure. Many questions were asked by ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies ICASA Council appointments: recommendations to SubCommittee
    21 Feb 2017

    The Chairperson as per the agenda reflected on the last subcommittee meeting which took

    place in November 2016. Two candidates were finalised for recommendation to the ICASA Council - Ms N Gongxeka and Adv D Qocha. Both of them were noted for having done well during the interviews and proved ...

  • Agriculture Liquor Products, National Forest & National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bills: DAFF briefing, with Deputy Minister in attendance
    21 Feb 2017

    The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries briefed the Committee on three proposed bills, namely Liquor Products Amendment Bill [B10-2016], National Forests Amendments Bill [B11-2016] and National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill [B22-2016]. The Deputy Minister was present in the meeting.

    The Department reported that the Liquor Products Amendment ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies ICASA Council appointments: recommendations
    21 Feb 2017

    The Committee noted that upon request of the Minister, the Committee was asked to recommend three candidates for the vacancy of councillor at the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). This process took place in accordance with the ICASA Act.  A Subcommittee of the Committee conducted interviews in an ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies MDDA, ICASA, FPB, Brand South Africa on Quarter 1 & 2 performance
    14 Feb 2017

    Four of the entities under the Department of Communications, namely the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), Brand South Africa (BSA), Films and Publications Board (FPB) and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) presented their first and second quarter performance and expenditure reports for 2016/17.

    MDDA addressed some ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Interim Board appointment process
    24 Jan 2017

    The Committee stressed the urgency of the appointment of an interim SABC Board, with members agreeing to have the Chief Whips Forum come up with names of candidates to fill vacancies created by resignations during the SABC crisis last year.

    The Committee was supposed to discuss Mr Thamasanqa Ntenteni’s removal from ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Department of Communications & GCIS Quarter 1 & 2 Performance, with the Minister
    29 Nov 2016

    The Government Communication and Information Systems (GCIS) told the Committee that because of the lack of funding within the Department, it was difficult for it to carry out all its functions and meet its targets. It was able to work only with the money that it was guaranteed to receive, ...