Mr Comely Humphrey Maqocwa Maxegwana

Politician Profile Page

Comely Humphrey Maqocwa Maxegwana

About Comely Humphrey Maqocwa Maxegwana

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Communications and Digital Technologies ICASA councillors: recommendations selection
    23 Nov 2016

    The Sub-Committee on Communication constituted to interview candidates for the position of councillor at the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), met to deliberate on the outcome of the interviews which took place the previous day. The criteria for the selection process were that the candidates must satisfy the ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies ICASA Councillor interviews
    22 Nov 2016

    The sub-committee conducted interviews with six candidates for the two vacant positions on the Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). It set the modalities for the interviews based on previous experience during Parliamentary interviews, and the requirements of the ICASA Act. The candidates were informed of ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Films and Publications Amendment Bill: Department response to public submissions
    15 Nov 2016

    Delegations from the Department of Communications (DoC), the Films and Publications Board (FPB), the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and the Office of the State Law Adviser, presented responses to inputs that stakeholders had made on the Films and Publications Amendment Bill to the Committee.

    The meeting paid ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies ICASA on Compliance and Complaints Committee (CCC) rulings, broadcasting licencing, industrial action and impact
    1 Nov 2016

    Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) briefed the Committee on the ruling in the Media Monitoring Project v SABC, by the Compliance and Complaints Committee (CCC). It was noted that ICASA had received an assurance from the SABC that it would comply with the conditions imposed, but had not ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Communications Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report
    25 Oct 2016

    The Committee discussed and adopted its Communications Budget Review and Recommendations Report.


  • Communications and Digital Technologies Brand South Africa & Media Development and Diversity Agency on their 2015/16 Annual Reports
    18 Oct 2016

    Annual Reports 2015/16 

    Two entities of the Department of Communications – Brand South Africa (BSA) and the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) -- presented their annual reports for 2015/2016 to the Portfolio Committee, with the Minister of the Department in attendance. The Minister said she was proud that BSA ...

  • Agriculture DAFF, OBP, NAMC, SAVC and MLRF on their 2015/16 Annual Reports, with Minister
    18 Oct 2016

    Annual Reports 2015/16 

    The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) reported that South Africa’s exports of agricultural, forestry and fisheries products increased by 18.0% year on year making the country a net exporter. Trade within the African continent had increased by 5.6% year-on-year. The country had been successful in ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Films and Publications Amendment Bill: Legal Opinion & Socio-economic Impact Assessment
    13 Oct 2016

    The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) briefed the Committee on the Socio-economic Impact Assessment System (SEIAS) and on whether the Films and Publications Amendment Bill (FPAB) complied with the SEIAS. The DPME noted that the National Development Plan (NDP), Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), and Outcome Four priorities ...

  • Agriculture Department of Agriculture, Forestry; and Fisheries & Entities audits: AGSA & FFC input
    13 Oct 2016

    The Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) and the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) briefed the Committee on the performance of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and its entities, to provide it with relevant background information for its meeting with the DAFF scheduled for the following Tuesday. ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Independent Communications Authority & Films & Publications Board on their 2015/16 Annual Report, with Minister present
    12 Oct 2016

    The Portfolio Committee met with the Films and Publications Board (FPB) and Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) to receive presentations on their annual reports for 2015/16.

    The FPB had done well receiving an unqualified audit report for 2015/16 in respect of both financial and performance audits. The FPB ...