Mr Imamile Aubin Pikinini

Politician Profile Page

Imamile Aubin Pikinini

About Imamile Aubin Pikinini

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Zambezi Protocol: Chamber of Mines briefing, with Deputy Minister
    14 Jun 2017

    The Committee met to be briefed by the Chamber of Mines (CoM) on the Zambezi Protocol and how it could provide a framework for the development of mining in South Africa.

    The Chamber said that there was a heavy reliance on the extractive sector in Africa, with mining accounting for ...

  • Economic Development Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Market Inquiry outcomes: deliberations
    13 Jun 2017

    The Committee considered the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Market Inquiry outcomes prepared by the Committee’s Researcher as a summary to recap on the findings and recommendations made by the Competition Commission on the report. The Researcher shared the findings and the recommendations as well as the role of Parliament through the ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Committee Oversight Report on Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo illegal mining; Committee Operational Plan
    31 May 2017

    Document handed out:
    Committee Oversight Report on Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo illegal mining [available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

    The Committee considered its operational plan for 2017 to 2019, and adopted an oversight report to Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo on illegal mining and minutes of 24 May 2017.

    The Content ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Junior & Emergent Miners support programme: Department of Mineral Resources briefing
    24 May 2017

    The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) provided an overview of its programme currently in progress to assist junior and emerging miners and to fast-track their entry and stabilise their operations in the local economy. Locally, junior miners were operating in the mid tier sector of the industry, sandwiched between large ...

  • Economic Development Committee Report on Economic Development Budget
    23 May 2017

    The Portfolio Committee on Economic Development met to consider and make amendments to the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development on Budget Vote 25 and the Annual Performance Plans of the Department of Economic Development. Members were mainly concerned about the language medium and jargon used in these ...

  • Economic Development Committee Report on Economic Development Budget
    18 May 2017

    The Committee met to deliberate on its Report on the Department of Economic Development’s Budget Vote.

    Members mostly fixed a number of grammatical errors in the Report and agreed to remove paragraph 4.3 in the interim and interrogate it later.

    The Committee decided to meet after the sitting on Tuesday, ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Committee Report on Mineral Resources Budget
    10 May 2017

    The meeting was a consideration of the draft report on the Committee’s report on the budget of the Department of Mineral Resources. There were a few amendment proposals to the content of the report which was agreed to by all parties present. The report was considered and adopted with no ...

  • Economic Development Economic Development Department & Industrial Development Corporation on their Annual Performance Plans, with Minister & Deputy
    9 May 2017

    The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) presented its Corporate Plan and shared some deep concerns about the current economic conditions as influenced by the credit rating downgrade and how the junk status will affect the Corporation’s ability to disburse funding to its clients. In light of the current economic conditions, the ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Mintek, Council for Geoscience, SA Diamonds & Precious Metals Regulator, State Diamond Trader Annual Performance Plan
    4 May 2017

    The following state owned entities (SOEs) under the jurisdiction of the Department of Mineral Resources - Mintek, Council for Geoscience (CGS), South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator (SADPMR) and the State Diamond Trader (SDT) presented their Annual Performance Plans as aligned to the DMR budget.

    The Chairperson reported that, ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources DMR & Mine Health and Safety Council on their Annual Performance Plans; DPME input, with Minister
    3 May 2017

    Mine related illnesses are putting the country on the edge of a silent disaster. The sick labour force is the main worry for the Minister of Mineral Resources though his Department is aware the problem is the responsibility of the private sector and the Department can do nothing about it. ...