Mr James Mziwenkosi Mthethwa

Politician Profile Page

James Mziwenkosi Mthethwa

About James Mziwenkosi Mthethwa

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade National Gambling Amendment Bill: final mandates; Copyright & Performers Protection Amendment Bills; Foreign Service Bill: adoption
    20 Mar 2019

    Seven of nine provinces submitted final mandates on the National Gambling Amendment Bill: three provinces voted in favour of the Bill, three voted against and one province abstained. North West and Free State had not submitted final mandates at the time of the meeting. The voting reflected an impasse on ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill & Public Audit Excess Fee Bill: briefing
    7 Mar 2019

    Both the Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations were briefed by the National Treasury on the how the nationally collected tax revenue will be shared between the three spheres of government.

    Main Budget expenditure will grow by 8% over the medium term. National departments will receive R684.7 billion this year; ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Defence Amendment Bill: finalisation; Committee Legacy Report
    6 Mar 2019

    Documents handed out: NCOP business continues despite dissolution of NA; Report of the Select Committee on Security and Justice on its activities undertaken during the 5th Parliament; Report of the Committee on Security and Justice on the oversight visit to the Gauteng Province

    The Committee briefed on the oversight visit to ...

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration Emadlangen & Inkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Local Municipalities: termination of intervention
    5 Mar 2019

    The Committee was briefed by  COGTA KZN on the termination of interventions at Emadlangeni and Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma municipalities and the institution of interventions under Section 139(1)(b) of the Constitution at Endumeni and Abaqulusi municipalities

    COGTA KZN said the interventions at Emadlangeni and Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Mmunicipalities’ had ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Amendment Bill: deliberation and finalisation
    20 Feb 2019

    Relevant documents: Public comments matrix

    The Committee met for deliberations on the written comments received from the public on the Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Amendment Bill. Two submissions had been received from Mpumalanga and Western Cape Provincial Legislatures.

    The Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature submitted a proposal to ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Government Advertising Agency Petition
    20 Feb 2019

    Mr Zenani Sibanyoni brought a petition before the Committee requesting a Government Advertising Agency to be established. He said that the government has many platforms at its disposal that could be used to run this concept. He mentioned the printing of adverts on payslips, government vehicles and government buildings. He ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Defence Amendment Bill [B18-2017]: written comments; Legal Aid SA regulations
    19 Feb 2019

    The Committee met to discuss the Defence Amendment Bill [B18-2017], the written comments by the Right2Know Campaign, and the regulations of Legal Aid South Africa.

    The Right2Know Campaign accused the Department of Defence (DoD) of attempting to give the Minister unfettered powers to regulate access to military areas and assets. ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Elder Care, Cakwebe, Ngqushwa Petitions: Committee Reports
    13 Feb 2019

    The Select Committee met for the Consideration and adoption of the Elder Care Petition Report (Petition calling for the amendment of section 27 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997), the consideration and adoption of Cakwebe Petition Report (Petition requesting the intervention of the NCOP, in relation ...

  • NCOP Finance Izinduna unfunded budget, with COGTA Minister
    12 Feb 2019

    The KwaZulu-Natal Finance MEC briefed the Committee about the Izinduna budget in the presence of COGTA Minister. The initial audit confirmed that KZN has 3 100 Izinduna. The issue at stake is that following the President’s proclamation in 2014, Headmen were to be remunerated on a salary of R80 875 backdated to ...

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration Public Service Commission Amendment Bill & Traditional and Khoisan Leadership Bill: final mandates
    4 Dec 2018

    The Select Committee on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs adopted the final mandates on both the Public Service Commission and Traditional and Khoisan Leadership Bill.

    All provinces agreed to the final mandates on the Public Service Commission Amendment Bill.

    Only five provinces – Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, and Free ...