Mr James Mziwenkosi Mthethwa

Politician Profile Page

James Mziwenkosi Mthethwa

About James Mziwenkosi Mthethwa

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Maiden bursary investigative report at Uthukela District Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal
    25 Oct 2016

    The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) presented a report to the joint committees on its investigation into a government-funded bursary administered by the uThekela District Municipality (UDM) that was restricted to girls who were virgins, and who had to undergo virginity testing. The CGE ruled that the conditions imposed in ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Progress Reports on provisionally suspended magistrates: Magistrates Commission briefing; Committee interaction with presentation
    12 Oct 2016

    The Magistrates Commission presented an update on provisionally suspended magistrates.

    In the first case, the magistrate has been provisionally suspended since 2014 and the matter was still pending. The magistrate in question was still receiving remuneration for the last three years. Members raised concerns that taxpayers are bearing these costs ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Africa Skills FET College Petition: hearing
    12 Oct 2016

    The Select Committee heard submissions on the Africa Skills FET College Petition (Petition requesting the intervention of the NCOP on the alleged ill-treatment of students, corruption and racism by Africa Skills College in George, Western Cape Province). Submissions were made by the petitioners, Africa Skills College Management, the Department of ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Central Energy Fund role in expansion of oil and gas industry in South Africa & Africa
    11 Oct 2016

    The Committee elected Mr M Rayi (ANC, Eastern Cape) as Chairperson of the Committee.

    The Committee was provided with an overview of the Central Energy Fund Group. The role of the Fund was to search for appropriate energy solutions to meet the energy needs of SA, the Southern African Development ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Tourism Sector transformation acceleration
    21 Sep 2016

    The Committee elected Mr M Rayi (ANC, Eastern Cape) as Acting Chairperson for the meeting in the absence of the Chairperson Mr E Makue (ANC, Gauteng).

    At the outset of the meeting discussion ensued on the issue of the restructuring of committees that had taken place due to some Members ...

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration Commission on Gender Equality 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan; NYDA National Youth Policy; Department of Women performance report, with the Minister present
    20 Sep 2016

    The Select Committee met with the Department of Women in the Presidency (DWP), the Commission on Gender Equality (CGE) and the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) to discuss each entity’s recent performance. The meeting was time constrained and some of the Committee’s questions could not be fully addressed. This was ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Review of the Age of Criminal Capacity
    7 Sep 2016

    The Committee was told that South Africa was among the few countries that had developed and implemented a criminal justice system for children. The system ensured that children were treated differently from hardened criminals and the legislation had come into effect in 2010. The DoJ&CD was grappling with the implementation ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Embrace Dignity Petition Report: adoption; Chiawelo Petition Report: deferred
    7 Sep 2016

    The Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings considered the Embrace Dignity Report (Petition requesting the intervention of the NCOP in ensuring an end to all forms of sexual oppression against women); and the Chiawelo Petition Report (Petition on alleged noise disturbance emanating from Unity Fellowship Church in Chiawelo Extension ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations 2017/18 Division of Revenue: Financial and Fiscal Commission Submission
    6 Sep 2016

    The theme of the 2017/18 FFC submission was the intergovernmental fiscal relations system and rural development. The majority of the South African poor were living in rural areas, which lagged behind on economic performance indicators. The rural economy was no longer just a farm economy. The potential of land reform ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Cameron Report on Pollsmoor Correctional Centre: Department of Correctional Services progress report
    24 Aug 2016

    The DA, on behalf of the opposition, proposed a motion of no confidence in the Chairperson, and requested that this be placed as an item on the agenda. The Chairperson said that would have to go through the chairperson of the NCOP. The DA protested, but the agenda was adopted. ...