Mr Khaya Magaxa

Politician Profile Page

Khaya Magaxa

About Khaya Magaxa

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Public Enterprises Business rescue process of SOEs: parliamentary oversight and legislation
    9 Nov 2022


    The Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises was briefed in a virtual meeting by Parliament’s legal services on how it could exercise oversight over the business rescue processes of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The briefing dealt with the legislation relating to business rescue and liquidation processes, challenges and recommendations, and the ...

  • Public Enterprises Engagement with Eskom on the energy crisis and Koeberg
    2 Nov 2022

    Eskom’s board and executives met with the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises and the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy, for a joint engagement on the energy crisis and Koeberg-related issues, as raised by the National Union of Mineworkers.

    The formal presentation, led by the new chairperson of the ...

  • Public Enterprises Safcol Annual Report 2021/22; with Deputy Minister
    26 Oct 2022


    The South African Forestry Company Limited (SAFCOL) reported that during the 2021/22 financial year, its revenue had increased by 33% to R1.2 billion, and its operating profit from R40 million to R387 million. Profit after tax had improved from a loss of R45 million to a profit of R84 ...

  • Public Enterprises Public Enterprises BRRR; Koeberg oversight visit prep
    19 Oct 2022


    Tabled Committee Reports

    The Committee discussed and adopted its Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report for the Public Enterprises portfolio. The major concern was the state of public enterprises such as Eskom, Transnet and Denel, as well as the recommendations that were not implemented. Other points raised were lack of ...

  • Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Portfolio Audit Outcomes; DPE Annual Report 2021/22; FFC Input on performance of SOEs; with Deputy Minister
    12 Oct 2022


    Public Enterprises (SOCs)

    The Committee convened in a virtual meeting to receive a briefing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) on the audit outcomes of state-owned companies and the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), a briefing by the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) on its observations and findings ...

  • Public Enterprises International state-owned enterprise (SOE) case studies
    30 Sep 2022


    The Committee received a briefing from the Committee Researcher on international state-owned enterprise (SOE) case studies. It also discussed whether the Committee should conduct an international study tour.

    The presentation provided a case study of South Korea, India, Malaysia and the Philippines. The following observations were made:
    - SOE ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Issues raised during the joint oversight visit to Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant: NUM & Eskom input
    27 Sep 2022


    The Portfolio Committees on Mineral Resources and Energy and Public Enterprises convened in a joint virtual meeting to receive a brief overview by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) on issues raised during the joint oversight visit to the Koeberg nuclear power plant in April 2022, including new developments ...

  • Public Enterprises South African Airways Annual Report for year ended March 2018
    21 Sep 2022


    The Committee convened in a virtual meeting to receive a briefing from South African Airways (SAA) on their annual report and financial statements for the financial year ended March 2018.

    The annual report was only finalised after SAA exited Business Rescue in April 2021. While a substantial part of ...

  • Public Enterprises Mango Airline business rescue process: DPE & SAA briefing, with Deputy Minister
    14 Sep 2022


    Mango Business Rescue

    The Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises met on a virtual platform to receive a briefing from the Department of Public Enterprises and the board of South Africa Airways on the status of the business rescue of Mango Airlines.

    The Department explained that Mango had been placed ...

  • Public Enterprises Transnet 2021/22 Annual Report; with Minister
    7 Sep 2022



    In a virtual meeting, the Transnet delegation presented on the following aspects of the Transnet 2021/22 Annual Report:
    • Broad overview of the business’s operating context during and after Covid
    • Performance of key divisions of the business
    • Environmental, Social and Governmental (ESG) outcomes achieved by the ...