Mr Lewis Paul Musawenkosi Nzimande

Politician Profile Page

Lewis Paul Musawenkosi Nzimande

About Lewis Paul Musawenkosi Nzimande

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Finance Financial Matters Amendment Bill: adoption; Money Bills Amendment Procedure Bill: meeting with Gauteng Legislature; Legacy Report
    27 Mar 2019

    The Select Committee on Finance considered and unanimously adopted the draft report on the Financial Matters Amendment Bill [B 1B-2019] presented by the South African National Treasury delegation. The Democratic Alliance reiterated that they approved of all the amendments to the bill, except the amendments pertaining specifically to the Banks ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill: final mandates; Public Audit Excess Fee Bill: adoption; Committee Report on Eastern Cape ECD Grant; Legacy Report
    27 Mar 2019

    The Committee considered the final mandates and draft reports on the Division of Revenue Bill [B5-2019]; the Public Audit Excess Fee Bill [B7-2019]; the follow-up meeting with the Eastern Cape on progress with the Early Child Development (ECD) grant implementation. It also approved the draft Annual and Legacy Reports, and ...

  • Joint Constitutional Review Committee Committee Legacy Report & Public Submission Reports
    20 Mar 2019

    The Committee met to adopt the following: all outstanding minutes from 2017 to the present; reports on public submissions for 2016, 2017/18 and the committee’s legacy report. All the minutes were adopted with minor amendments while the public submission and legacy reports respectively were adopted with no amendments.

    Members extolled ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill: negotiating mandates
    20 Mar 2019

    Eight of the nine provinces presented negotiating mandates in support of the Division of Revenue Bill. The Western Cape legislature opposed the Bill on the grounds of the high debt service costs in comparison with the allocations for service delivery as well as the allocations made to Eskom and SAA. ...

  • NCOP Finance Carbon Tax Bill; Customs & Excise Amendment Bill; PIC Amendment Bill: adoption; Financial Matters Amendment Bill: briefing
    19 Mar 2019

    The Committee approved the Carbon Tax Bill and its accompanying Customs and Excise Amendment Bill. The imposition of a Carbon Tax would happen from 1 June this year. The Committee Report on the Bill stated that it intended to encourage a “just transition” to a lower carbon economy by setting ...

  • NCOP Finance Carbon Tax Bill; Customs and Excise Amendment Bill & PIC Amendment Bill: public hearings
    12 Mar 2019

    A range of stakeholders told the Committee that they opposed the implementation of the Carbon Tax Bill. While they agreed on the need to deal with climate change, they questioned whether the Bill was an appropriate measure.

    Representatives of the domestic airlines industry asked for it to be exempted from ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill: public hearings; FFC & SALGA input
    8 Mar 2019

    The Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations held a joint sitting to receive input on the 2019 Division of Revenue Bill (B5). The Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC), the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the Western Cape Forum for Intellectual Disability (WCFID) and Equal Education all submitted their comments ...

  • Joint Constitutional Review Committee 2016 public submissions: finalisation; 2017 & 2018 public submissions: consideration
    7 Mar 2019

    The Committee reviewed and put on record their decisions for all 67 submissions received from the public in 2016, six for 2017 and five for 2018.

    Most of the recommendations and legal opinions received were adopted, except in some cases where the Democratic Alliance and the African Christian Democratic Party ...

  • Joint Constitutional Review Committee 2016 public submissions: consideration of outstanding legal opinions
    21 Feb 2019

    The Committee received the legal opinions on five 2016 submissions that were sent to the Committee.

    The Committee noted that there would be a full deliberation on these matters in the next meeting. For this meeting, Members would receive the legal opinions and ask questions of clarity if there were ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Pre-Budget 2019: Parliamentary Budget Office briefing
    19 Feb 2019

    2018 MTBPS

    The Finance and Appropriations Committees met with jointly with the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) for a pre-Budget briefing.

    The PBO pointed out that during the State of the Nation Address; the President highlighted the strategic direction for the budget in terms of linking priorities for 2019/20 with the ...