Adv Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

About Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Committee Meetings Attended

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: adoption
    22 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee report on the Foreign Service Bill was adopted, after Members had made grammatical and word choice amendments.

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: adoption; with Deputy Minister
    21 Nov 2018

    The Foreign Service Amendment Bill was adopted clause by clause. Areas that were discussed at length were “assets,” and the criteria for Heads of Missions.

    Some Members urged that Heads of Missions “must” have management skills and experience, it could not be “may” in the legislation. However, after discussion, the ...

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: discussions
    15 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation discussed the proposed amendments to the Foreign Service Bill.

    Members were primarily concerned with the clauses which related to the appointment of Heads of Missions, and offences. They questioned the criteria for the appointment of Heads of Missions, and the appropriateness of ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Committee Report on Review of Section 25 of Constitution: adoption
    15 Nov 2018

    VIDEO: Will section 25 of the Constitution be amended?
    The Chairperson noted the observations and recommendations made by Members on behalf of their political parties the day before. There were points of divergence and convergence which the Committee can highlight in its observations. The Committee must have a final recommendation ...

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: deliberations
    14 Nov 2018

    Members of the Committee were briefed on the Foreign Service Bill by officials from the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor (OCSLA) and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO). Members discussed the proposed amendments, focusing in particular on the collection of fees clause, the consultation clause, the ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Section 25 review of Constitution: party submissions
    13 Nov 2018

    VIDEO: Joint Constitutional Review Committee To Consider Report On Land Hearings, 13 November 2018

    Committee members presented their political party recommendations on the amendment of section 25 of the Constitution. The ACDP expressed concern at the manner in which the Committee dealt with the written submissions. It stated that a ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Section 25 review of Constitution: minutes and way forward
    8 Nov 2018

    The Committee considered and adopted the minutes of 20 September; 11, 25, 26 October; 1 November 2018. Members debated whether the minutes of 20 September 2018 were a true reflection of what transpired at that meeting. Some members said there was an omission as the minutes did not capture the ...

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: discussion
    7 Nov 2018

    Documents handed out: Proposal by DIRCO for Inclusion in Foreign Affairs Bill [awaited]

    The Committee commenced its discussions on the Foreign Service Bill (FSB) by considering the proposal by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) that it should be mandated to have responsibility for its assets abroad, as ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Cybercrimes Bill: consideration and adoption; with Deputy Minister
    6 Nov 2018

    The Committee met for final considerations and adoption of the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill. The State Law Advisors took Members through a few minor amendments which needed to be made to the Bill. The Deputy Minister of Justice was in attendance.

    Members discussed the need for amendment of the Bill ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Review of Section 25 of Constitution: draft Committee Report
    1 Nov 2018

    Draft Committee Report not availabe to public

    The Constitutional Review Committee met to review the draft report on the possible review of section 25 of the constitution. The working document outlines the methodology that was used to elicit views from the public on the review of section 25, the summary ...