Adv Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

About Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Impact of Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Appeal Judgments on SA law and jurisprudence
    5 Sep 2014

    The Department lead the Committee through the presentation which detailed the basic information surrounding the Constitutional Justice Project, which was cast as an assessment of the impact of jurisprudence rather than a review of these judgements. This initiative was started by Cabinet in November 2011 and rested on two fundamental ...

  • International Relations US-Africa Summit & SADC Summit briefing with Deputy Minister in attendance
    2 Sep 2014

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) briefed the Committee on the outcomes of the US-Africa Summit. The US is seen as a strategic partner for SA  and trade, investment relations and peace featured prominently in the discussions. Of importance to Africa was the renewal of the African Growth ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Attorneys Amendment Bill [B9-2014]: public hearings
    27 Aug 2014

    The Attorneys Fidelity Fund submission referred to clause 16 of the Attorneys Amendment Bill which seeks to give the Law Societies the power to allow the use of a name which does not include the names of present or past members of a practice. This raised concerns regarding the exploitation ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Insolvency Practitioners: Appointment Policy
    22 Aug 2014

    The Chief Master of the High Court presented the Department of Justice and Correctional Services Policy on the Appointment of Insolvency Practitioners which was focused on promoting equality, transparency and fairness in the insolvency industry, aiming for transformation. He detailed the previous system of appointments called the requisition system, which ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Duplication in Functions of Institutions Supporting Democracy: input by Commission for Gender Equality; South African Human Rights Commission; Public Protector; Public Service Commission
    19 Aug 2014

    Four Chapter Nine institutions supporting constitutional democracy - the Commission for Gender Equality, the South African Human Rights Commission, the Public Protector and the Public Service Commission- were called to present on the subject of overlapping mandates, which had been identified during the process leading up to the budget vote. ...

  • International Relations Department of International Relations and Cooperation orientation workshop
    29 Jul 2014

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) provided the Committee with an orientation workshop on its work in terms of its six high-level objectives. The workshop gave an overview of South Africa’s foreign policy. There was a changing global environment. Trade and economic patterns were changing. There were new ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Legal Aid Bill [B8-2014]; Attorney's Amendment Bill [B9-2014]: briefing by Deputy Minister
    29 Jul 2014

    The Legal Aid Bill came as a post Constitution replacement of the 1969 Act. Some amendments had already been inserted into the 1969 Act particularly pertaining to the recovery of fees and the criteria determining provision of Legal Aid services as there had been many court challenges on that issue. ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Committee Report on Justice and Correctional Services budget
    11 Jul 2014

    The draft Committee Reports on the budget votes of, respectively, the Department of Correctional Services and the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development were tabled for approval by Members. Although the ACDP, DA and EFF indicated that they still needed to take the budget to their caucuses for approval or ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Special Investigating Unit 2014 Strategic Plan and budget: Committee Researcher introduction & SIU briefing
    10 Jul 2014

    The Committee Researcher briefed the Committee on the legislative mandate of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), which investigated maladministration and corruption in state institutions, including the 2012 amendments that had led to a revision of the Strategic Plan and budget, since it was now empowered to charge departments for its ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Office of Public Protector & South African Human Rights Commission on their 2014 Strategic Plans
    4 Jul 2014

    Prior to the South African Human Rights Commission presenting its Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan, the Committee Con gave an overview on the SAHRC's mandate. Members were keen to know about its involvement within the Forum on Institutions Supporting Democracy.

    The South African Human gave a breakdown of its ...