Adv Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

About Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Committee Meetings Attended

  • International Relations Department of International Relations and Cooperation on its 2nd and 3rd quarter 2014/15 performance
    4 Mar 2015

    The Deputy Minister of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) addressed the Committee on issues that had been emerging in the media regarding alleged misrepresentations by South African ambassadors. Members were informed that investigations were being initiated, and in other instances were ongoing, regarding the allegations. The allegations ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act Amendment Bill: public hearings Day 2
    4 Mar 2015

    The meeting began with the Chairperson welcoming this round of submissions as an exemplary instance of public participation, with the Committee having received more than 900 written submissions following an extended period for submissions.

    The core of each oral submissions is as follows:
    Logos Assembly of God
    Seeing as children ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act Amendment Bill: public hearings Day 1
    3 Mar 2015

    The meeting began with the adoption of a Committee Report to the National Assembly about the application to the Chief Justice for an extension of the period by which Parliament must have amended the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act. The Committee then heard submissions on the ...

  • International Relations Overview of International Relations issues in State of the Nation Address; Treaties and role of Parliament; Committee monitoring tool
    25 Feb 2015

    International relations themes touched on by the President in his State of the Nation Address were noted:

    The African Agenda - The President called for schools to practise the African Union (AU) anthem in preparation for the celebration of Africa Month in May 2015. SA would also continue to support ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Maintenance Amendment Bill: public hearings
    25 Feb 2015

    The Committee deliberated on the Maintenance Amendment Bill. Notable amendments include clause one of the bill seeks to amend Section 6 of the Act to oblige a maintenance officer to investigate a matter with the view of institution a maintenance inquiry where good cause exists for the substitution or discharge ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Judicial Matters Amendment Bill [B2-2015]: briefing by Deputy Minister
    24 Feb 2015

    The Deputy Minister prefaced the briefing on the Bill by saying that Judicial Amendment Bills are intended to effect a number of amendments to a variety of Acts, generally inspired by practical experience. He requested that comments and questions be dealt with after each clause, given that the legislation dealt ...

  • International Relations Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation Legacy Report
    18 Feb 2015

    The Committee Content Adviser and the Committee Researcher presented the Legacy Report of the Fourth Parliament’s Portfolio Committee which identified its lessons as well as challenges for which it hoped the present Committee could perhaps find solutions. The framework of the previous Committee’s work included parliament’s strategic focus for the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Determination of Remuneration of Judges and Magistrates
    18 Feb 2015

    The Committee adopted the determination from the Independent Commission on Remuneration of Public Office Bearers recommending an increase of 6% to magistrates and judges who earn below one million and 5% to those that earn above with effect from April 2014. The lowest rank magistrate will earn R788 155 while ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act: introductory briefing
    3 Feb 2015

    The Department of Justice said the Bill aimed to amend the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007, by giving effect to the two separate judgments of the Constitutional Court, namely the Teddy Bear case dealing with sections 15 and 16 of the Act and the J ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Human Resources related challenges: Department of Correctional Services briefing
    19 Nov 2014

    The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) briefed the Committee in detail on its challenges in human resources. It noted that there was still a problem in leadership stability, with a consistent number of vacancies at senior management at both national and regional levels. The recruitment and retention strategy set out ...