Adv Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

About Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Justice and Constitutional Development South African Human Rights Commission supplementary briefing
    6 May 2015

    The meeting began with the Chairperson inquiring if any progress had been made by Chapter Nine Institutions within the Forum of Institutions Supporting Democracy, particularly as the Committee had wanted these institutions to discuss their overlapping mandates. Further, this would facilitate a discussion on the nature of independence and accountability ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Legal Aid South Africa on its 2015/16 Strategic and Annual Performance Plans
    5 May 2015

    Legal Aid SA was in the third year of implementation of its current Strategic Plan. It was contextualised to ensure that the service delivery footprint responded to population demographics, in-migration patterns and urban/rural divide, i.e. legal aid services should be accessible. The overall strategic shift to be achieved in the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development South African Human Rights Commission on its 2015/16 Annual Performance & Strategic Plans
    29 Apr 2015

    The briefing by the South African Human Rights Commission consisted of an overview of its Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and budget allocations. It highlighted the achievements of the Commission against the Annual Performance Plan for 2014/15 which included finalising 90% (of a total of 8179) of complaints and completing ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Public Protector on 2015 Strategic Plan
    29 Apr 2015

    An overview was provided by Adv Thuli Madonsela, Public Protector. The strategy of the Office of the Public Protector was presented by its Chief Executive Officer; and a briefing on human resources and budget was given by the Chief Financial Officer.

    After reaffirming Public Protector Vision 2020 as the lodestar ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development National Prosecuting Authority on its 2015 Strategic Plan
    24 Apr 2015

    The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) presented an executive summary of its strategic planning documents. The NPA presentation began by setting out the five sub-programmes, four of which were linked directly to the four strategic objectives, which were summarised as increasing the numbers of successful prosecutions, improving the prosecution of cases ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Department of Justice and Constitutional Development on its 2015/16 Budget and Strategic Plans
    23 Apr 2015

    The meeting was a continuation of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Department’s responses to Members’ questions at the previous day’s meeting.

    The Department replied to the question about the transformation of the legal system and how it related to the principles of Ubuntu. It said the Constitution provided ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Office of Chief Justice on its 2015/16 Annual Performance & on Strategic Plans
    21 Apr 2015

    The Office of the Chief Justice briefed the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on its strategic plan 2015/20 and the annual performance plan for 2015/16. In the presentation the Secretary-General of the OCJ and the Chief financial Officer outlined the strategic plan and the budget overview. The OCJ ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Department of Correctional Services Budget and Strategic Plan
    16 Apr 2015

    The Department of Correctional Services explained the links between the Department’s strategic planning documents and national priorities as contained in the National Development Plan; and how these priorities are targeted over the Medium Term Strategic Framework through specific indicators contained in either the Strategic Plan or Annual Performance Plan. This ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Political Overview for 2015/16 Budget Review
    15 Apr 2015

    Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Adv Tshililo Michael Masutha gave a broad political overview of matters affecting the two departments in his portfolio. After introductory comments around the rule of law and recent events including xenophobic violence and the defacing of statues, he addressed the achievements and challenges faced ...

  • International Relations Department of International Relations and Cooperation on its 2015/16 Annual Performance & Strategic Plan & African Renaissance & International Cooperation Fund, with Deputy Minister
    15 Apr 2015

    DIRCO said SA hosts the second largest number of foreign representation in the world and had a current global footprint of 125 missions. The changing global environment impacted upon the execution of DIRCO’s mandate which also had to be aligned with the National Development Plan. Regional integration was important on ...