Ms Manana Florence Tlake

Politician Profile Page

Manana Florence Tlake

About Manana Florence Tlake

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Social Services Burden of Health & Disease in South Africa: Medical Research Council briefing
    15 Mar 2016

    The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) gave the Portfolio Committee on Health a presentation on its mandate, objectives and goals, highlighting the areas of health that the Council was engaged in researching, and the ways in which it aimed to do so in collaboration with universities and government departments ...

  • NCOP Social Services Municipal Electoral Amendment Bill [B22B-15]: discussion dates consideration
    25 Nov 2015

    The Committee met to decide on a date for discussions on the Municipal Electoral Amendment Bill. Possible dates were 11 December 2015, or 23 January 2016. It was decided that the Chairperson would meet with the office bearers first to decide on a date and then confer with Members.

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Department of Sport and Recreation on their 2014/15 annual report
    25 Nov 2015

    The Department of Sport and Recreation (SRSA) took the Committee through its Annual Report 2014/15. It was pleased to note that it had again achieved a clean audit in respect of performance and financial information, had attained 21 of its 23 targets, had 99.63% spending, by spending R966.8 million of ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Department of Arts and Culture on its 2014/15 Annual Report
    11 Nov 2015

    The Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) presented its annual report for the year 2014/15. It had received an unqualified audit by the Auditor-General and had spent 97.9% of its budget.

    The potential of the arts sector to contribute to the nation’s economy was emphasised. The Department had a number ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Department of Basic Education on its 2014/15 Annual Report
    28 Oct 2015

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) aims to provide:
    - School Infrastructure Development
    - Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS)
    - Data and information challenges
    - Expansion of Early Childhood Development (ECD)
    - National Senior Certificate Results (NSC)
    - Annual National Assessment (ANA)
    - Improve the number of young teachers ...

  • NCOP Social Services KwaZulu-Natal & Northern Cape Health Department challenges
    23 Jun 2015

    The KwaZulu-Natal and Northern Cape Departments of Health came to brief the Committee on the challenges being faced in the provinces as well as some successes and interventions they had put in place. The Committee mainly wanted to engage the Departments regarding their audit outcomes, patient waiting times and staff ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Boxing South Africa on its 2015/16 Strategic Plan and Budget
    10 Jun 2015

    Boxing South Africa (BSA) briefed the Committee on its Strategic Plan for 2015 to 2019 and the 2015 Annual Performance Plan (APP). The strategic goals focused on ensuring that there was an effective, efficient and sustainable organisation; on the development and transformation of boxing and creation of a synergy between ...

  • NCOP Social Services Revitalization of Distressed Mining Towns Programme: Department of Human Settlements briefing
    9 Jun 2015

    The DHS briefed the Committee on the revitalisation of distressed mining towns programme. The point was made that mining towns were characterised by wide scale informal settlements. Miners did not qualify for government’s mining subsidy programmes. Most miners earned in excess of R3500 which was above the earnings ceiling to ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Council for Higher Education (CHE) on its 2015/16 Strategic Plan
    3 Jun 2015

    The Committee was briefed by the Council of Higher Education (CHE) on its Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan (APP) and Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). The CHE, which was an independent body advising the Minister and Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), stated that most of the work done ...

  • NCOP Social Services Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provincial Department of Health briefings, in presence of Minister of Health
    2 Jun 2015

    As a follow up on earlier presentations by other Provincial Departments, the Gauteng and Mpumalanga Provincial Departments of Health (PDOHs) were asked to update the Committee on the challenges faced by their provinces, with the Committee stressing that whilst it wanted them to be frank, this was done so that ...