Mr Kenny Mmoiemang

Politician Profile Page

Kenny Mmoiemang

About Kenny Mmoiemang

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration Department of Human Settlements Annual Performance Plan 2024/25
    22 Jul 2024

    Human Settlements

    Report of the meeting to follow.

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Committee Reports on Vote 13 (DPWI) & Vote 40 (DoT)
    19 Jul 2024


    The Committee adopted reports on the budget votes of the Departments of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) and the Department of Transport (DoT). This follows engagements with both entities on their 2024/25 Annual Performance Reports and budgets.

    The Committee recommended that the Council approve the budgets for both departments. ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency DPWI & Department of Transport Annual Performance Plan 2024/25; with Ministers and Deputy Ministers
    17 Jul 2024


    The Select Committee on Public Infrastructure and Minister in the Presidency convened to be briefed by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) and the Department of Transport (DoT) on their 2024/25 annual performance plans (APPs) and budgets.

    The Committee was particularly concerned with the DPWI’s ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Election of Chairperson
    11 Jul 2024

    Mr F Badenhorst (DA, Western Cape) was elected the Committee Chairperson.

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration Election of Chairperson
    11 Jul 2024

    Mr T Kaunda (ANC) was elected Chairperson.

    In his opening remarks, he highlighted many pertinent issues in the sector that require the Committee’s attention. He indicated that the Committee would liaise with the National Assembly Cogta committee to avoid duplication of work, notwithstanding the separation of powers. He assured Members ...

  • NCOP Rules of the National Council of Provinces Establishment and Clustering of NCOP Committees
    26 Jun 2024


    The Committee established several internal structures: the NCOP Rules Committee, the NCOP Subcommittee on the Review of Council Rules, and the NCOP Programming Committee.

    In addition, it agreed to reduce the number of its Select Committees to 10 instead of the previous 11 in the 6th Parliament. These Select Committees are the "engine room" of the NCOP, as ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Transport Appeal Tribunal A/B & Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) A/B: final mandates & finalisation; Committee Legacy Report
    15 May 2024


    The Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure convened virtually. The Committee considered the final provincial mandates on the Transport Appeal Tribunal Amendment Bill. Eight provinces voted in support of the Bill – the Free State did not submit a mandate. The Committee then ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB): adoption
    14 May 2024


    The Committee met virtually to consider its options regarding the final stages of the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill. In the previous day’s meeting, the Committee resolved to make two amendments to the Bill regarding the Deputy Chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and aligning the reporting ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB): Minister’s response to public submissions & public participation report
    13 May 2024


    The Ad Hoc Committee convened to deliberate on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, specifically to deal with the public participation report and to hear the responses from the State Security Agency (SSA) on the issues that arise from the public hearings.

    The detailed public participation was presented which ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Final Mandates: Railway Safety Bill
    8 May 2024


    The Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works, and Infrastructure convened virtually to address the Railway Safety Bill [B7B – 2021]. The Committee received final mandates from the provinces on the Bill.

    All provinces submitted their final mandates voting in support of the Bill.

    Subsequently, the ...