Mr Kenny Mmoiemang

Politician Profile Page

Kenny Mmoiemang

About Kenny Mmoiemang

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Transport Appeal Tribunal A/B & Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) A/B: deliberations
    7 May 2024


    The Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure (National Council of Provinces) convened virtually to continue deliberations on the Transport Appeal Tribunal Amendment Bill [B8B—2022] and the Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Amendment Bill [B5—2022].

    The Chairperson began by summarising the salient ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Transport Appeal Tribunal A/B & Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) A/B: Negotiating Mandates and DoT & PLA Input
    30 Apr 2024


    The Select Committee convened virtually to consider the Provincial Negotiating Mandates on the Transport Appeal Tribunal Amendment Bill and the Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Amendment Bill.

    All 9 provincial legislatures supported both bills, with some making comments and proposals. The Department and the Parliamentary Legal Advisors ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Railway Safety Bill: Negotiating Mandates
    24 Apr 2024


    The Committee met virtually to receive responses from the Parliamentary Legal Services on the matrix the Department of Transport provided on the Railway Safety Bill. The Committee also considered the negotiating mandates of each province, all of which voted in favour of the Bill. 

    The parliamentary legal advisor referred ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB): oral submissions
    23 Apr 2024


    The  Ad Hoc Committee held a virtual meeting to receive oral submissions on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB). The Bill had passed through its National Assembly process and since it was a s75 bill, it was now being referred to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Committee ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Committee Legacy Report
    23 Apr 2024


    The Committee convened virtually for its last meeting to consider and adopt its Legacy Report. The Content Advisor provided a summarised version of the 63-page document. Highlights included the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP) and the Select Committee paid attention to the alignment of the Jobs Fund and how ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Transport Appeal Tribunal A/B & Railway Safety Bill: Department response to public submissions
    17 Apr 2024


    The Select Committee convened a virtual meeting with the Department of Transport to consider submissions on the Transport Appeal Tribunal Amendment Bill and the Railway Safety Bill. Although no submissions on the Transport Appeal Tribunal A/Bill had been received, the Committee considered written and oral submissions on the Railway ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill: Final Mandates
    16 Apr 2024


    The Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour (the Committee) convened virtually to consider and adopt the Final Provincial Mandates on the National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill as well ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) GILAB: SSA briefing; with Minister
    4 Apr 2024


    The Ad Hoc Committee met to be briefed by the State Security Agency (SSA) on the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB) [B40-2003].

    GILAB seeks to enable the President, through this legislation, to establish Domestic Service which shall be responsible for Counter-Intelligence and Intelligence gathering mandates and functions, and ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (NCOP) (2024) Election of Chairperson; Draft Programme
    28 Mar 2024


    The Committee met to nominate and elect a chairperson for the NCOP Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill. The Bill overhauls the legislative framework currently provided in the National Strategic Intelligence Act, the Intelligence Services Act and the Intelligence Services Oversight Act, disestablishing the State Security ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) A/B: WWF Submission & Department response to public submissions; Luxembourg Protocol on Railway Rolling Stock
    27 Mar 2024


    The Select Committee convened virtually to consider written submissions from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on the Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Amendment Bill and the responses from the Department of Transport to the submissions received.

    The WWF's main focus was on issues of anthropogenic greenhouse gas ...