Ms Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela

Politician Profile Page

Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela

About Ngwanamakwetle Reneiloe Mashabela

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Basic Education Progress on drug and alcohol prevention programmes in schools
    28 Oct 2014

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) briefed the joint committees on the progress of drug and alcohol prevention programmes, physical education and the roll-out of sports programmes in schools.

    The drug and alcohol prevention programme involved a detailed strategy, with the main ...

  • Basic Education South African Council for Educators on its 2013/14 Annual Report
    17 Oct 2014

    The South African Council of Educators (SACE) briefed the Committee on its 2013/14 Annual Report, setting out the breakdown of new teacher registrations, an indication of the changed rulings on registration, the distinction between permanent and temporary registrations, the registration of foreign teachers and the vetting process. SACE reported a ...

  • Basic Education Education Labour Relations Council on its 2013/14 Annual Report
    16 Oct 2014

    The Portfolio Committee received a briefing from the Education Labour Relations Council on its 2013/14 Annual Report. The presentation on the Annual Report comprised of a background of the legislative mandate, strategic overview and strategic outcome oriented goals. The presentation also focused on the service delivery and organisational environments, policy ...

  • Basic Education Umalusi on its 2013/14 Annual Report
    15 Oct 2014

    Umalusi presented its 2013/14 Annual Report and noted that Umalusi was an independent entity with a statutory mandate around certification and monitoring of education qualifications. Its mandate of developing and maintaining frameworks of qualifications was carried out in collaboration with the South African Qualifications Authority, the Quality Council for Trade ...

  • Basic Education Auditor-General of South Africa on use of audit reports as oversight tools; Department of Basic Education briefing on district support
    16 Sep 2014

    The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education was briefed by the Office of the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) on auditing practice, and by the Department of Basic Education on support for educational districts.

    The Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) briefed the Committee on the role and function of AGSA, outlined the different ...

  • Telecommunications and Postal Services Government and telecommunication companies on broadband connectivity for schools
    12 Sep 2014

    The Joint Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services and the Department of Basic Education met to discuss the issue of Broadband connectivity in schools using Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and the role which it could play in the educational and socio-economic development of society. The purpose of delivering Broadband ...

  • Basic Education Inclusive Education: progress report; DBE on its 1st Quarter 2014 performance
    9 Sep 2014

    The Department of Basic Education presented the performance indicators and targets for each of its five programmes and reported actual outputs as at the end of the 1st Quarter of 2014/15. Programmes 1, 2 and 4 are the most problematic. The Financial Report indicated that DBE has underspent for the ...

  • Basic Education DBE, DPME & Department of Social Development on progress in the introduction of African languages and Early Childhood Development programmes
    19 Aug 2014

    Presentations were made to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on the progress of the Incremental Introduction of African Languages (IIAL) pilot programme and the Early Childhood Development (ECD) programme by the Department of Basic Education (DBE), the Department of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and the Department of Social ...

  • Basic Education Overview of Education Sector; Department of Basic Education on 4th Quarterly Report for 2013/2014
    29 Jul 2014

    The Committee was given a functional overview of the entities falling within the Committee’s portfolio. They included the South African Council for Educators (SACE), the Educational Labour Relations Council (ELRC), and UMALUSI (Quality Control for General and Further Education and Training).   The key stakeholders, which included organised labour and civil ...

  • Basic Education Committee Report on Basic Education 2014 budget
    10 Jul 2014

    The Portfolio Committee met to peruse Draft 1 of the Committee Report on the Annual Performance Plan and Strategic Plan and budget of the Department of Basic Education and its Statutory Bodies. Members went through the draft Report page by page and raised comments and queries. Most of the amendments ...

  • Basic Education Minister of Basic Education on Department's 2014 Strategic Plan
    1 Jul 2014

    The Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motshekga, said the Department had focussed on both long and short term strategies, with “non-negotiable” interventions that would be implemented in the second term.  The focus had also been on repositioning of the Department to assess what needed to be done.  Infrastructure had ...

  • Basic Education Election of Chairperson
    24 Jun 2014

    The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education’s first meeting of the Fifth Democratic Parliament was convened to introduce the new Chairperson and Members and for formal adoption of the Committee programme. Ms N Gina (ANC) had been elected as the Committee Chairperson prior to the meeting time of 11am.