Ms Nomalungelo Gina

Politician Profile Page

Nomalungelo Gina

About Nomalungelo Gina

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Basic Education Early Childhood Development implementation: DBE & Social Development briefing
    6 Sep 2016

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Department of Social Development (DSD) gave a joint briefing on Early Childhood Development (ECD), and although the Department of Health was not present, it was noted that input into the policies had also been given by that department. The nation-wide implementation of the ...

  • Basic Education Vuwani: report back; Supplementary Exam / Second Chance Programme; National Education Collaboration Trust progress report
    30 Aug 2016

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) said the supplementary examinations provided an opportunity for learners who could not write examinations in November to write the examinations at a later date. It also provided an opportunity to rewrite for borderline cases who failed in the November examinations.

    A total of 115 ...

  • Basic Education Department of Basic Education on Jan-Jun 2016 performance
    23 Aug 2016

    The Department of Basic Education presented its 4th quarter report 2015/16 and 1st quarter report 2016/17. The presentations set out the performance in each of the five programmes of the Department and indicated statistics for exams, school readiness, progress against individual targets and spending. For 2015, there were 30 indicators ...

  • Basic Education Selling of Educator Posts by Union Members/Provincial Department Officials: Ministerial Task Team Report
    27 May 2016

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) presented the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) Report on the allegations of the selling of teacher posts. Of the approximately 120 matters that were brought to their attention, the MTT investigated 81 cases. Of these, 38 cases provided grounds for either reasonable suspicion requiring further ...

  • Basic Education Vuwani school destruction: update by Department of Basic Education
    24 May 2016

    The Department briefed the Committee on the current situation in Vuwani after 30 schools had been burnt down or vandalised in protest action against plans for Vuwani to be included in a new municipality. It gave estimated costs for infrastructure recovery, what partnerships it had entered into, what stakeholder engagements it had ...

  • Basic Education Committee Report on Basic Education Budget
    3 May 2016

    The Committee met to consider the draft report on the Basic Education Budget Vote 14 and to adopt draft minutes of Portfolio Committee meetings that took place on 15 March, 5 April, 7 April and 19 April 2016.
    The meeting was just over 30 minutes long as some Committee members ...

  • Basic Education Minister of Basic Education on matters of concern in the education sector
    19 Apr 2016

    The Minister of Basic Education and her delegation addressed the Committee on a range of matters affecting the education sector. This included the release of the “Jobs for Cash” report, the licensing of teachers, competency testing for markers of National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations and the call for the return ...

  • Basic Education Meeting with visiting New Zealand Parliamentary Delegation
    17 Mar 2016

    The Portfolio Committees on Basic and Higher Education and Training sat jointly to receive a delegation from New Zealand's Parliament. Officials were present from each of the departments to give a broad background to their functions and work. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) described its sustainable development goals towards ...

  • Basic Education 3-Stream Model; 2nd Chance Matric Programme; Operation Phakisa: Department of Basic Education briefing
    15 Mar 2016

    The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education heard presentations from the Department of Basic Education (DBE) on the 3 Stream Model, the Second Chance Programme and the progress made in implementing information communication technology (ICT) in South African education.
    The Department of Basic Education said the new 3 Stream Model was ...

  • Basic Education Special Education and Inclusive Education: Human Rights Watch, Section 27, Inclusive Education SA & Department interaction
    8 Mar 2016

    The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education heard presentations from Human Rights Watch, Section 27, Inclusive Education South Africa and the Department of Basic Eduction, on special and inclusive education.

    Human Rights Watch reported that nearly 600 000 children with disability were out of school in South Africa. Schools failed to ...