Ms Nomalungelo Gina

Politician Profile Page

Nomalungelo Gina

About Nomalungelo Gina

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Basic Education Umalusi and SACE on their Annual Performance Plan
    4 May 2017

    The South African Council for Educators (SACE) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on its 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan (APP). Special attention was paid to the issue of fraudulent qualifications. SACE as an institution did not have internal capacity to be dealing with these issues  and the need for ...

  • Basic Education Department of Basic Education on its Annual Performance Plan, Deputy Minister present
    3 May 2017

    The Deputy Minister of Basic Education told the Committee he anticipated that by the end of the current administration, learning and teaching would be information technology (IT) based. The biggest challenge would be connectivity. Giving an overview of his Department’s portfolio, he outlined the infrastructure initiatives, the rationalisation and merger ...

  • Basic Education Department of Basic Education on its Quarter 3 performance
    2 May 2017

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) presented its third quarter performance report, and drew attention to the fat that it was under-performing in terms of meeting its strategic targets. A delay in the release of donor funding had caused deviations from the budget, but these had been explained in the ...

  • Basic Education Department of Basic Education on its Annual Performance Plan; AGSA input
    2 May 2017

    The Chairperson opened the meeting by asking the Director General of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to brief the Committee on the unsettled situation that had taken place in Vuwani, Limpopo, and Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, where schools had been burnt down during protest action.

    The DBE reported that in Vuwani, ...

  • Basic Education Rural Education: recruitment, rural allowances & incentives; Kha Ri Gude Programme: DBE briefing
    14 Mar 2017

    The Portfolio Committee met with the Department of Basic Education to discuss progress on Rural Education as well as receive a report on the Kha Ri Gude Mass literacy programme.

    Issues raised on the Kha Ri Gude presentation included:
    Causes for the decline in the recruitment of learners, especially those ...

  • Basic Education Infrastructure and Rationalisation; Provincial Education Departments Reporting System review
    7 Mar 2017

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) gave a presentation on the progress of the Provincial Education Department (PED) reporting systems and how the information received directly from provinces is utilised by the DBE for accounting and reporting purposes. This mandate was given to the DBE by National Treasury in May ...

  • Basic Education CAPS evaluation; African Languages introduction: DBE briefing
    28 Feb 2017

    The Committee requested a progress report on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), even though the Department of Basic Education had not as yet done a full evaluation.

    DBE explained the rationale for CAPS which was introduced progressively between 2012 and 2014. Progress has taken place in respect of ...

  • Basic Education TIMSS Maths/Science Report; Schools 2017 Reopening; Vuwani progress report
    21 Feb 2017

    The Committee met with the Department of Basic Education to discuss the Trends in International Maths and Science Study (TIMSS) Report, the status report on schools reopening for 2017, as well as report on progress made in Vuwani, where schooling had been disrupted by community protest actions.

    The TIMMS presentation ...

  • Basic Education Matric results 2016, National Strategy for Learner Achievement, 3-stream curriculum: Department Basic Education briefing, Deputy Minister present
    14 Feb 2017

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE), in the presence of the Deputy Minister, briefed the Committee on the recently released 2016 matric results, the National Strategy for Learner Achievement (NSLA), and the Three-Stream Model which is geared towards the provision of learners with alternative pathways for professional development of skills. ...

  • Basic Education Committee reports
    7 Dec 2016

    The Portfolio Committee met to consider outstanding draft minutes of meetings, draft Reports on oversight visits to Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces as well as draft strategic plan 2015/16 -2019/20.

    Members noted that the Committee had received the outstanding report on quality learning and teaching campaign and questioned how the problem ...