Mr Oscar Masarona Mathafa

Politician Profile Page

Oscar Masarona Mathafa

About Oscar Masarona Mathafa

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Second Special Appropriation Bill: public hearings
    17 Sep 2021


    In this virtual public hearings joint meeting, the Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations were presented with a submission on the Second Special Appropriation Bill [B17-2021] from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) which supported the Bill.

    COSATU proposed a number of relief measures which included the ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Second Special Appropriation Bill: DTIC briefing
    15 Sep 2021

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations met on a virtual platform for a briefing by the Department of  Trade, Industry and Competition and two of its entities, the Industrial Development Corporation and the National Empowerment Fund, on the Second Special Appropriation Bill [B17-2021]. The Bill is intended to facilitate government interventions ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Second Special Appropriation Bill: Department of Social Development briefing, with Minister
    14 Sep 2021


    The Standing Committee on Appropriations met on a virtual platform for a briefing by the National Department of Social Development and its entities, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) and the National Development Agency, on the Second Special Appropriation Bill [B17-2021]. The Bill is intended to facilitate government ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Second Special Appropriation Bill: SASRIA briefing
    8 Sep 2021


    SASRIA is a state-owned company that insures the assets of people, businesses and government entities against riots and terrorism. In a virtual meeting, SASRIA gave a briefing about the R3.9 billion special allocation to it as set out in the Second Special Appropriation Bill.

    Following the July 2021 riots ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Second Special Appropriation Bill: PBO briefing
    7 Sep 2021


    In a virtual meeting, the Standing Committee on Appropriations received a briefing from the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) on its response to the Second Special Appropriation Bill.

    The Committee expressed concern about the effect of continued fiscal consolidation on unemployment, inequality and poverty in the country. Members raised the ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Second Special Appropriation Bill & 2022/23 Division of Revenue: FFC briefing
    1 Sep 2021


    FFC Submission on 2022/23 Division of Revenue

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations was briefed by the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) on its submission on the 2022/23 Division of Revenue and the Second Special Appropriations Bill against the backdrop of a fragile economic environment after the onset of COVID-19. ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Second Special Appropriation Bill: National Treasury briefing
    31 Aug 2021


    In a virtual meeting, the Standing Committee on Appropriations received a briefing from National Treasury on the draft of the Second Special Appropriation Bill 2021, and the proposed additional urgent funding allocations of R32.85bn to address the impact of the unrest and Covid-19 pandemic. The presentation covered the proposed ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Implementation of SA Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan & Operation Vulindlela; Implications of Fiscal Consolidation; with Deputy Minister
    25 Aug 2021

    Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan
    Operation Vulindlela

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations met virtually with National Treasury to discuss the implementation of the South African Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan and Operation Vulindlela. Present in the meeting was Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr David Masondo, and the National ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Land and Agricultural Development Bank of SA on expenditure of budgetary allocations
    24 Aug 2021


    The Standing Committee on Appropriations convened in a virtual meeting to receive a briefing from the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa on the expenditure of the allocations made in the 2020 Supplementary Budget and the 2021 National Budget.

    The CEO of the Land Bank stated that ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations SCOA Strategic Planning Session day 2
    18 Aug 2021

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations met on a virtual platform to discuss its strategic planning for the Sixth Parliament. The key issue highlighted was how the Committee could play a better role in enabling effective public participation and ensuring that strategy at the policy level could be translated into reducing ...