Oscar Masarona Mathafa

Politician Profile Page

Oscar Masarona Mathafa

About Oscar Masarona Mathafa

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill: Committee Report
    6 Jun 2023


    Tabled Committee Reports

    The Committee reviewed its report on the Appropriation Bill, and raised concern about the lack of tracking mechanisms, which hampered their ability to fully conduct their oversight responsibilities. As a result, in its recommendations, the Committee said the Parliamentary Budget Office should avail its services to ...

  • Standing Committee on Auditor General AGSA briefing on funding issues
    2 Jun 2023


    The Committee was taken through a presentation of the funding model in a virtual meeting by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA). Thereafter, Members had questions and comments on the presentation, including many glowing compliments on the work done by the AGSA, and expressing support for the funding model. ...

  • Standing Committee on Auditor General 2021/22 local government audit outcomes: AGSA briefing
    31 May 2023


    The Standing Committee on the Auditor General met in person to receive a briefing from the Auditor-General of South Africa on the outcomes of the 2021/2022 local government audit.

    Of the 257 audited municipalities, only 38 (15%) had received clean audits, and 21 of those were in the Western ...

  • Standing Committee on Auditor General Disputes mechanism and readiness for 2021/2022 MFMA report: AGSA briefing
    26 May 2023


    In a virtual meeting, the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) briefed the Standing Committee on the Auditor-General on its new policy for resolving disputes and complaints. It also briefed the Committee on preparing for its upcoming report on the 2021/2022 municipal audit outcomes.

    The new dispute resolution policy, which ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill: public hearings
    26 May 2023


    The Standing Committee on Appropriations convened virtually to receive submissions from the public on the 2023 Appropriation Bill.

    The Committee heard presentations from Youth Capital (YC), the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Equal Education (EE) and the Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM).

    Youth Capital said that the ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill: Department of Transport Briefing; with Minister
    23 May 2023


    The Standing Committee on Appropriations met virtually with the Department of Transport (DoT) on the 2023 Appropriation Bill. The Department projected an underspending by the end of the 2022/23 financial year on the compensation of employees, goods and services and some transfers. Goods and services underspend due to delayed ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill: DPWI Briefing; with Minister and Deputy Minister
    17 May 2023


    The Committee convened virtually to be briefed by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) on its budget allocations for the 2023/2024 financial year and the progress the Department has made regarding its targets being met. The Minister and Deputy Minister were in attendance.

    The Department reported that, ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill: Department of Health briefing; with Ministry
    16 May 2023


    In a virtual meeting, the Standing Committee on Appropriations received a briefing from the National Department of Health on its 2023 Appropriations Bill.

    The National Department of Health’s presentation consisted of the preliminary spending outcomes of the 2022/23 financial year; its plan to utilise the R60.1b budget allocation for ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Appropriation Bill: Department of Water and Sanitation briefing; with Minister and Deputy Minister
    10 May 2023


    The Department of Water and Sanitation briefed the Standing Committee on the current state of water and sanitation in the country, and gave an update on the Appropriation Bill.

    The Department said they were certain that they would be able to meet most of their targets. The biggest problem ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Briefing on the Appropriations Bill B3-2023: Department of Communication and Digital Technology (DCDT) & SAPO; with Ministry
    9 May 2023


    The Standing Committee on Appropriations was briefed by the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies and the South African Post Office (SAPO) on the Appropriation Bill [B3-2023].

    Members heard that the Department had been allocated an adjusted budget of R5.328 billion, which consists of Compensation of Employees totalling R309.9 ...