Dr Patrick Maesela

Politician Profile Page

Patrick Maesela

About Patrick Maesela

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Health Public Health Facilities audit results: Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) briefing
    16 Mar 2016

    The Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) presented its 2014/15 findings on health facilities in South Africa. Approximately 10% of all healthcare facilities in the country were inspected, although the OHSC’s aim is to inspect 25% of the facilities. The report focused on the Primary Healthcare Clinics (PHCs) and hospitals ...

  • Health Minister of Health on Zika Virus & Typhoid Fever preparedness and response
    9 Mar 2016

    The Minister of Health briefed the Committee on the Zika virus in South Africa. It was transmitted to humans through a mosquito vector, Aedes. There was no evidence of human to human transmission. Over 34 countries had been affected mostly in South America and of key concern was the risk ...

  • Health Department of Health on Ideal Clinic initiative progress report
    2 Mar 2016

    The Department of Health (DoH) briefed the Committee on the concept, background and implementation of the Ideal Clinic initiative. IN 2009 an assessment had first been done of the facilities at clinics and hospitals around the country. South Africa had wanted to move quickly towards implementing the National Health Insurance ...

  • Health Committee Programme; Oversight Reports
    24 Feb 2016

    The Committee met to complete the adoption of four of its oversight visit reports to Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Eastern Cape and Free State. Members made both minor and substantive corrections to the reports. On the agenda was also the adoption of minutes from November 2015 and from their most recent meeting ...

  • Health Department of Health on its 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2015/6 performance
    17 Feb 2016

    The Director General reported on the performance of the Department’s six programmes: Administration; Health Planning and Systems Enablement; HIV/AIDS and TB / Maternal, Child and Women's Health; Primary Health Care (PHC) Services; Hospitals, Tertiary Services and Workforce Development; and Health Regulation and Compliance Management. The overall expenditure for all provinces ...

  • Agriculture Food Security and Food Safety joint workshop Day 2
    3 Feb 2016

    The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries hosted a two-day joint workshop on Food Security and Safety with the Portfolio Committees of Health and Social Development and the Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources. The second day of the workshop focussed on food safety. It began with an ...

  • Health Meeting with Parliament of Czech Republic delegation
    11 Nov 2015

    A delegation from the Czech Republic came to share their experiences and exchange information with the Committee on health care issues, ranging from the effect of an influx of immigrants on the domestic health system, to the functioning of the Czech Republic’s national health care insurance.

    The Czech delegation was ...

  • Health Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Bill [B6-2014]: adoption of NCOP amendments
    4 Nov 2015

    The Department of Health said the Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Bill [B6-2014] amended the Medicines and Related Substances Control Act 101 of 1965. The Bill had been published on 20 February 2014 to establish a new South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). The amendment of the Bill looked ...

  • Health Health Budget Review and Recommendations Report
    27 Oct 2015

    BRRR 2015-2010: Budgetary Review & Recommendations Reports

    The Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report of the Portfolio Committee on Health provided an assessment of the performance of the Department of Health (DoH) on its budget allocation and service delivery performance for the 2014/15 financial year.

    The Auditor General (AG) expressed opinion ...

  • Health Department of Health on its 2014/15 annual report
    15 Oct 2015

    The Department of Health (DoH) presented its Annual Report 2014/15. For the past four years it had obtained an unqualified audit opinion from the Auditor General (AG) and three out of nine provinces obtained an unqualified audit for their 2014/2015 financial year compared to two provincial Departments for the 2013/2014 ...