Mr Robert Alfred Lees

Politician Profile Page

Robert Alfred Lees

About Robert Alfred Lees

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial Sector Regulation Bill [B 34-2015]: deliberations on clauses 7 to 44
    24 Aug 2016

    The Committee met with National Treasury, the South African Reserve Bank and FSB to discuss the new working draft of the Financial Sector Regulation Bill. The Committee worked through clauses 7 to 44 of the July working draft of the Bill examining and approving the amendments that had been made ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Taxation Laws Amendment & Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill: briefing
    24 Aug 2016

    National Treasury briefed the Committee on the contents of the 2016 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill  and Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill. The contents highlighted included:

    • The change to the processing of the changing of the effective tax rates, to allow the Minister’s announcement on Budget day to be effective, subject ...
  • Finance Standing Committee SARS on its Quarterly Report & Annual Performance Plan
    23 Aug 2016

    Documents Awaited : SARS Strategic Plan 2016/17 – 2020/21; SARS Annual Performance Plan 2016 - 2017 [email]

    The Committee was briefed by the South African Revenue Services (SARS) on its Strategic Plan for 2016/17 – 2020/21, with the SARS Commissioner in attendance. It was noted that SARS had continued to excel ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Illicit Financial Flows, Base Erosion & Profit Sharing, Panama Papers: Treasury, SARB, Financial Intelligence Centre, SARS inputs
    25 May 2016

    This was a joint meeting with the Portfolio Committees of Trade and Industry and Mineral Resources.

    National Treasury introduced the presentations. On illicit flows, the difficulty was hard evidence. The media put out a lot of information but it would be helpful if people went directly to the authorities with ...

  • Finance Standing Committee African Bank and the Myburgh Report: SARB briefing
    24 May 2016

    The Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank presented the Myburgh Report on the African Bank. He provided an explanation of events leading up to the curatorship of African Bank, the contents of the Myburgh Report and how the curatorship was progressing.

    Some of the reasons for the collapse ...

  • Finance Standing Committee SARS Commissioner & National Treasury on 2016 results
    17 May 2016

    The Director General of National Treasury took the Committee through its 2015/16 performance, and also responded to the Committee’s 2015 Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report (BRRR). The pre-audited outcome was R28.690 billion or 98.9% of the final budget with R314 million unspent. An area of significant variation between budget and ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Chief Procurement Officer's progress and new projects report
    11 May 2016

    The Chief Procurement Officer presented a progress and new projects report on Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OPCO). He explained that the OCPO has taken several measures to create electronic portals for procurement and supply chain management (SCM). Among these are the Central Suppliers Database, the eTender portal, the gCommerce ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Public Investment Corporation responses to Standing Committee
    10 May 2016

    The Committee was due to hear briefings not only from the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), but also from the Government Employees Pension Fund and the Government Pension Administration Agency. However, due to time constraints and a number of pointed questions put to the PIC, that some Members felt were politically ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial Sector Regulation Bill [B34-2015]: public hearings
    3 May 2016

    The meeting began with a submission from the Voluntary Ombud Schemes collectively. They indicated that they welcomed the Bill, but felt that several sections from the draft bill introduced in 2014 ought to be reintroduced, particularly those dealing with the suspension of recognition of an Ombud scheme, rules made by ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill [B33-2015]: adoption; Committee Report on Treasury Budget; Oakbay Investments
    26 Apr 2016

    The Committee approved the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill after an amendment change to section 40 changing "may" to "must" although subject to conditions. It also approved the Committee Report on the Treasury Budget.

    In light of the potential loss of jobs due to the closure of the bank accounts ...