Ms Samantha Graham-Maré

Politician Profile Page

Samantha Graham-Maré

About Samantha Graham-Maré

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Public Works and Infrastructure DPWI & PMTE on 2019/20 Quarter 1 & 2 performance; with Deputy Minister
    27 Nov 2019

    The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) reported that it had achieved a 75% overall performance in the first quarter, while the Property Trading Management Entity (PTME) had achieved 50%. In the second quarter, the DPWI had achieved an overall performance of 53.6%, and the PTME had achieved 56.3%. ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Transformation of the IDT: DPWI briefing with Deputy Minister
    30 Oct 2019

    The presentation made by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) focused on the issues affecting the functioning of the Independent Development Trust (IDT) which had not yet been resolved. The Department acknowledged there had been delays, but emphasised the lengthy administrative processes which had hindered the necessary actions ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Public Works & Infrastructure Budget Review and Recommendations Report
    16 Oct 2019

    Available here once adopted: BRRR 2019 

    The Committee met to consider and adopt the minutes of four of its meetings which took place in September and October, and to consider and adopt the Budget Review and Recommendation Report (BRRR).

    Members were generally happy with the minutes. There was some ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Construction Industry Development Board & Council for the Built Environment 2018/19 Annual Report, with Deputy Minister
    10 Oct 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019

    The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and the Council for the Built Environment (CBE) presented their 2018/19 Annual Reports. The Deputy Minister was in attendance.

    The CIDB indicated that it achieved 23 out of 30 of its annual targets. This was a significant improvement compared to the ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Independent Development Trust & Agrément SA 2018/19 Annual Reports
    9 Oct 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019

    The Committee received briefings by Independent Development Trust (IDT) and Agrément South Africa (ASA) on their annual reports for 2018/19.

    The IDT received an improved audit outcome, which saw it move from a disclaimer to a qualified audit opinion, meaning that the trend of the last 4 ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Audit Outcomes: AGSA briefing; DPWI & PMTE on implementation of 2017/17 recommendations; DPWI & PMTE 2018/19 Annual Report; with the Minister and Deputy Minister
    8 Oct 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019

    In the morning session, the Auditor-General’s office presented audit outcomes of the Department of Public Works and its entities. The Minister and Deputy Minister were present.

    The Auditor-General’s Office was questioned for its reactive approach to investigation and lacking of actions on consequence management. Members asked whether ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Foreign Properties owned by RSA: briefing; with Deputy Minister
    18 Sep 2019

    The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure explained that all state-owned immovable assets abroad used by the diplomatic service – including leasing, purchasing, disposal, alterations, maintenance, refurbishment, furniture and facilities – were transferred from Public Works to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on 1 May 1999 by official ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Report on Gauteng oversight visit
    11 Sep 2019

    The Committee met to consider and adopt its report on an oversight visit to Gauteng. The Content Advisor took the Committee through the report. Members were unanimous in praising the report as an accurate and detailed capturing of what was experienced at the oversight visit.

    Members then raised various points ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Small Harbours: progress report
    4 Sep 2019

    The joint meeting was held with the Portfolio Committees on Public Works and Infrastructure and Environment, Forestry & Fisheries for a PMTE briefing on development plans for small harbours over the next five years. Topics covered small harbour and state coastal properties business; Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy; small harbour and ...

  • Public Works and Infrastructure Public Works Academy: progress update by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure
    21 Aug 2019

    The Department briefed the Committee on the Public Works Academy that is to be set up with the South African Property Owners’ Association in order to capacitate the Property Management and Trading Entity to manage the state’s massive property portfolio. The Academy is still at a conceptual stage and the ...