Mr Solomon Patrick Mabilo

Politician Profile Page

Solomon Patrick Mabilo

About Solomon Patrick Mabilo

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Social Development Poverty traps and Social Exclusion among Children in South Africa: South African Human Rights Commission briefing
    12 Nov 2014

    The South African Human Rights Commission briefed the Portfolio Committee on Social Development on its report titled “Poverty traps and Social Exclusion among Children in South Africa”.  The new democratic government recorded certain gains in the reduction of poverty in the country; however there was disturbing evidence of considerable and ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment PC Environmental Affairs: Adoption of Minutes
    11 Nov 2014

    The Department of Environmental Affairs was supposed to brief the Committee. However, this engagement was postponed because the Minister, her Deputy and the Director-General were unavailable to attend. Instead, the Committee considered and adopted the minutes of two previous meetings. Some discussion was held on whether the Committee’s catering was ...

  • Social Development LoveLife on its purpose and performance
    5 Nov 2014

    LoveLife briefed the Committee on its purpose and rationale. The presentation outlined the entity’s history, staff structure; various campaigns and programmes they were undertaking to prevent HIV and AIDs in young people. Problems leading to high risk, aims and objectives and statistics were given alongside a general overview of loveLife’s ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Progress on climate change mitigation negotiations, Implementation of the Green Economy, Determination of unlicensed landfills & incentives to boost waste recycle: Departmental briefing
    4 Nov 2014

    The Committee met with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to be briefed on the progress of climate change negotiations with the upcoming twentieth Congress of the Parties (COP) in Lima, Peru as well as waste management in SA currently.

    The waste briefing afforded Members information on the roles and ...

  • Social Development Central Drug Authority on its 2012/13 Annual Report
    29 Oct 2014

    The Central Drug Authority (CDA) acknowledged the delay in presenting the 2013/14 Annual Report, as well as the 2013-2017 National Drug Master Plan (NDMP). Substance abuse trends in South Africa showed the highest prevalence among users of cannabis, amphetamines (because of “Tik”) and heroin (because of “Nyaope”). The targets for the ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Status of Air Quality in South Africa: briefing by Department and civil society, with Minister present
    28 Oct 2014

    The Committee met with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to be briefed on the national status of air quality and air quality standards. The Department also briefed the Committee on compliance, enforcement and monitoring on this topical issue. The briefing came ahead of the Committee’s oversight to three air ...

  • Social Development Social Development Budget Review and Recommendations Report
    22 Oct 2014

    The Committee considered its Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report.

    Ms Yolisa Nogenga, the Committee Content Adviser, took the Committee through the Report page by page. She touched on the mandate of the Committee and provided a description of the core functions of the Department of Social Development, the SA Social ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Environmental Affairs on the Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report
    21 Oct 2014

    The Committee met, in terms of Rule130 of the National Assembly, to elect an Acting Chairperson following the shocking shooting of Chairperson, Jackson Mthembu, following a robbery at an ATM in his home town. Members nominated Mr SP Mabilo and there were no further nominations or objections.

    The Committee considered ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment South African National Parks on its 2013/14 Annual Report
    16 Oct 2014

    The South African National Parks (SANParks) has generated an income of approximately R316 million. This surfaced when it made an appearance before the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs to present its financial statements and annual reports for the 2013/14 financial year. It attributed this to interest earned and sales of ...

  • Social Development Minister on Department of Social Development & SASSA 2013/14 Annual Reports; AGSA on their audit outcomes
    15 Oct 2014

    Auditor-General South Africa spoke about the 2013/14 audit outcomes of the Department and its entities, SASSA and the National Development Agency (NDA). The audit was unqualified but there were matters of concern relating to SASSA and NDA.

    The Minister  was present and answered some of the questions raised during the ...