Mr Solomon Patrick Mabilo

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Solomon Patrick Mabilo

About Solomon Patrick Mabilo

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment SA Weather Service: Tariff Regulation; Former CEO contract termination
    7 Jun 2017

    The Portfolio Committee held a meeting with the South African Weather Service (SAWS) to obtain feedback on why the members of its board should not be held responsible for eight months’ salary paid to the entity’s former Chief Executive Officer, and to receive a briefing from the Regulating Committee for ...

  • Social Development SASSA engagement with South African Post Office (SAPO) on payment of grants; with Minister
    31 May 2017

    SASSA led by the Minister briefed the Committee on its engagement with South African Post Office (SAPO). SAPO has indicated its readiness to offer its services to SASSA as a state-owned enterprise (SOE) in compliance with the ICT White Paper which was approved by Cabinet and in an orderly transition ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment “One Environmental System” & Wildlife crimes legislation review
    30 May 2017

    The Committee on Environmental Affairs met to be updated on the implementation of the “One Environmental System” by the Inter-Departmental Project Implementation Committee (IPIC) from the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). In addition, the Committee also received a briefing from the DEA, the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Rhino Integrated Management Systems; Rhino Horn Trade Constitutional Court Judgment
    23 May 2017

    The outcome of the lengthy meeting between the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and the Portfolio Committee of the Constitutional Court judgment on the lifting of the moratorium on the trade in rhino horn, and the appeal that the DEA had lost -- at a cost to taxpayers of R1.5 ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Committee Report on Environmental Affairs Budget
    18 May 2017

    The Committee met briefly to consider and adopt the Report approving the Department of Environmental Affairs Budget Vote. Members made minor changes and suggested that the report should include a timeframe that was given by the Committee to the Board of South African Weather Service on the payment for the ...

  • Social Development SASSA weekly progress report
    17 May 2017

    The Committee had decided at its previous meeting to seek legal opinion on the existing SASSA annual performance plan (APP) that had been sent to Parliament during the budget process. It had asked about the need to revise the APP based on the orders of the Constitutional Court. The parliamentary ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Thabametsi power station authorisation without climate change impact assessment; SAWS Quarter 3 performance, with Minister
    16 May 2017

    The Committee held a tense meeting with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) on the matter of perceived authorisation of the proposed Thabametsi coal-fired power station without a climate change impact assessment which resulted in a court case between Earthlife Africa Johannesburg (ELA), an organisation founded in 1988 to mobilise ...

  • Social Development SASSA weekly report; Social Development Quarter 2 performance & new organogram, with Deputy Minister
    8 Mar 2017

    SASSA provided a weekly progress report on the 1 April grant payments. SASSA and Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) had engaged in negotiations which took place from 1 to 3 March 2017. An in-principle agreement was reached where CPS indicated willingness to work with SASSA. Terms and conditions will be made ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Mining sector environmental governance; Rehabilitation in mining industry
    7 Mar 2017

    The Department of Monitoring, Planning and Evaluation and Department of Mineral Resources briefed the Committee on environmental governance in the mining sector.

    Houses partially disappearing into Sink Holes, a 9-year old child falling to his death in an open mine shaft, and illegal mining in old and abandoned mines. That ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Wildlife crimes legislation; SA Renewable Energy Council; Climate Change Mitigation research by UCT, with Minister in attendance
    21 Feb 2017

    The first presentation was by the Energy Research Centre of the University of Cape Town. It highlighted the lack of implementation policy on climate change, despite the country’s commitments to the United Nations. The commitment was rushed and the resulting White Paper faced delays in implementation. There was no database ...