Ms Veronica Van Dyk

Politician Profile Page

Veronica Van Dyk

About Veronica Van Dyk

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Department of Sports and Recreation 2019/2020 Annual Performance Plan
    3 Jul 2019

    The DSR said it was updating its strategic plan, and its future goals were to encourage corporate investments in grassroots sports; encourage communities to organise sporting events, leagues and championships; provide adequate facilities and ensure that they were maintained; adequately resource school sport; ensure that the demographics of each sporting ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Election of Committee Chairperson
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee embarked on a process of electing a Committee Chairperson. Members were required to nominate possible candidates for the post of Committee Chairperson. Ms B Dlulane (ANC) was the only nomination received from members for the position as Committee Chairperson. Since no other nominations were received Ms Dlulane humbly ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies ICASA Chairperson removal; SABC progress report; with the Minister
    12 Mar 2019

    The Committee considered their report on the removal of Mr Manyaba Mohlaloga, Chairperson of the Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). The background of what had given rise to the recommendation for his removal was read out to Members. He was found to have been convicted ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Board interviews day 3; Films & Publications Amendment Bill: finalisation
    7 Mar 2019

    VIDEO: SABC Board interviews, 07 March 2019

    The Committee had two matters to address. The first item was the adoption of the report on the proposed Amendments to the Film and Publications Amendment Bill [B37B-2015]. The report incorporated the Amendments proposed by the National Council of Provinces towards the end ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Board: interviews day 2
    6 Mar 2019

    VIDEO: SABC Board interviews, 06 March 2019

    The Committee conducted interviews of shortlisted candidates for the 8 vacancies on the SABC Board.

    On day 2, the second batch of candidates were interviewed: Mr John Sembie Danana, Chief Livhuwani Matsila, Mr William Malema Ramoshaba, Adv Lufuno Nevondwe. Ms Lulama Mokhobo, ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Board: Interviews day 1
    5 Mar 2019

    VIDEO: SABC Board interviews, 05 March 2019

    The Committee conducted interviews of candidates for the SABC board.

    The Committee had shortlisted 24 candidates to be interviewed for the eight vacancies on the SABC board. In this meeting, only eight candidates of the shortlisted were interviewed. The interviewed candidates were; Ms ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Board: shortlisting for interviews; ICASA Board Chairperson discussion
    28 Feb 2019

    The Committee met to proceed with the shortlisting of candidates for the SABC Board. In the previous meeting, Members had agreed to stall the shortlisting and first conduct exit interviews with former and current board members to ascertain the real challenges facing the public broadcaster and the reasons why they ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Board: shortlisting deferred; Films and Publications Amendment Bill: NCOP amendments; with Minister
    26 Feb 2019

    The Committee met to shortlist the candidates to be interviewed for the SABC Board. The agenda also included consideration of the NCOP proposed amendments on the Films and Publications Amendment Bill. The Minister was in attendance.
    The DA objected to the proposed amendments due to reports that due process ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Board & MDDA Board vacancies: discussion
    19 Feb 2019

    South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Board: shortlist of candidates

    The Portfolio Committee on Communications decided to finalise the filling of vacancies at the South African Broadcasting Corporation Board and Media Development and Diversity Agency Board before Parliament rises at the end of March 2019. Members noted the urgency of the task and underscored ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC investigations: SIU progress; SABC cost cutting, with Minister & Deputy Minister
    27 Nov 2018

    The new Communications Minister and her Deputy were present for the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) briefing on the outcome of 38 SABC matters that the SIU investigated in Phase 1 of the 2017 Proclamation. As a result of the investigations for Phase 1, court ready evidence was gathered and compiled ...