Ms Veronica Van Dyk

Politician Profile Page

Veronica Van Dyk

About Veronica Van Dyk

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Shortlisting of SABC Board candidates: preliminary discussion
    15 Aug 2017

    The Portfolio Committee on Communications convened to deliberate on the short-listing and interview processes involved in the selection of candidates for the Board of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC). This followed the dissolution of the previous Board by Parliament earlier this year, and the appointment of an interim Board. ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Committee Reports on Quarter 4 performance, GCIS & KwaZulu-Natal oversight visits
    20 Jun 2017

    Documents hande out:
    Committee Reports on DOC Quarter 4 performance
    GCIS & KwaZulu-Natal oversight visits [Committee Reports available Tabled Committee Reports once published]

    Members of the opposition were not pleased that the Committee meeting began an hour later than scheduled while ANC Members met privately with the Department beforehand - ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies GCIS on its Quarter 4 performance
    9 Jun 2017

    During the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) presentation and discussion period only ANC members and one DA member were present. Overall, the Committee said it was happy with the progress. However it did express concerns that GCIS was not doing enough to get crucial information such as about jobs ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC Board Inquiry report recommendations; Department of Communications on its Quarter 4 performance
    30 May 2017

    A Parliamentary Legal Adviser presented the SABC Board Inquiry Report recommendations pertaining to the Portfolio Committee on Communications. Recommendations by the SABC Board Ad Hoc Committee included the need for the Portfolio Committee to investigate the validity of the memorandum of incorporation (MOI) currently in use by SABC; the need ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Films and Publications Amendment Bill: socio-economic impact assessment system, interim report; MDDA Board member removal
    23 May 2017

    Parliamentary Legal Services briefed the Committee on the removal of a board member from the Media Development Diversity Agency (MDDA) Board. The board member had been recommended by the Committee in June 2015. A security screening followed which gave him security clearance. However, the State Security Agency came up with ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Film & Publication Amendment Bill: socio-economic impact assessment & amendments; MDDA & ICASA vacancies, with Minister
    16 May 2017

    Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System of 2015 [awaited]
    In the presence of the Minister of Communications, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) briefed the Committee on the compliance of the Films and Publication Amendment Bill with Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System (SEIAS).

    DPME noted that Parliament had instructed that ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies SABC on its Annual Performance Plan; SABC Board Inquiry recommendations
    10 May 2017

    The SABC Acting Group Chief Executive Office briefed the Committee on the SABC’s corporate and annual performance plan for 2017/18, as well as progress in implementing recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on the SABC Board Inquiry. The delegation stated that the SABC is not only facing a financial crisis ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies MDDA & Brand SA Annual Performance Plan, with Minister & Deputy Minister
    9 May 2017

    The Committee hosted the Minister of Communications and the Deputy Minister, the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) and Brand South Africa to receive briefings on the annual performance plans and engage both agencies.

    The Minister in her address on MDDA highlighted that the objective of the MDDA was to ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Film and Publication Board & ICASA on their Annual Performance Plans
    3 May 2017

    The Films and Publications Board (FPB), and Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) presented their 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan reports. FPB expressed concern on the increase in the number of online sexual abuse content. A robust online content policy had to be put in place and FPB appealed for ...

  • Communications and Digital Technologies Department of Communications and GCIS Annual Performance Plans, with Deputy Minister
    2 May 2017

    The Committee Content Advisor, the Department of Communications and Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) presented reports on the 2017/18 Annual Performance Plans. Highlighted in the presentations were concerns about underfunding and delays in meeting digital migration deadlines.

    Members expressed concern about posts occupied by personnel in acting capacities. The ...