Mr Willem Abraham Stephanus Aucamp

Politician Profile Page

Willem Abraham Stephanus Aucamp

About Willem Abraham Stephanus Aucamp

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Finance Government Employees Pension Fund 2021/22 annual report
    30 May 2023


    Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF)

    In this meeting, the Select Committee on Finance received a briefing on the 2021/22 annual report of the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF).

    The GEPF reported that its investment portfolio had grown by R201 billion (9.6%) for a value of R2.3 trillion at the ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Appropriation Bill & Eskom Debt Relief Bill: public hearings
    24 May 2023


    The Committee met for public hearings on the Appropriation Bill and Eskom Debt Relief Bill. After presentations from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA), the Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM), Equal Education, and Dear South Africa, Members expressed their concerns about ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Public Procurement Bill: National Treasury briefing
    23 May 2023

  • NCOP Appropriations Appropriation Bill and Eskom Debt Relief Bill: FFC & PBO Input
    17 May 2023


    In a virtual meeting of the Select Committee on Appropriations, the Committee received two briefings from the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) and Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) on their views on the Appropriation Bill [B3 – 2023]; and Eskom Debt Relief Bill [B5 – 2023].

    The Committee noted the ...

  • NCOP Finance Briefing by Co- operative Banks Development Agency on their quarterly report and issues emanating from their previous meeting with the Committee
    16 May 2023


    The Select Committee on Finance met with the Cooperative Banks Development Agency (CBDA) on their quarterly report and issues emanating from their previous meeting with the Committee.

    The CBDA reported that they achieved all of their targets for the 2022 financial year and that their financial status was favourable. ...

  • Joint Constitutional Review Committee Outstanding submissions: consideration
    12 May 2023

    The Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) convened for consideration and decision-making on the outstanding submissions in its report on the Sixth Parliament submissions.

    After considering the report, the Committee resolved that it would request a joint meeting with the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, and call upon the Portfolio Committee of ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Appropriation Bill & Eskom Debt Relief Bill: National Treasury briefing
    9 May 2023


    The Standing Committee on Appropriations met on a virtual platform with National Treasury (NT) for a presentation on the 2023 Appropriation Bill and the Eskom Debt Relief Bill.

    Reporting on the Appropriation Bill, NT reported that cost pressures were being funded through reallocations, reprioritisation and additional funding. It had ...

  • NCOP Appropriations 2023 Division of Revenue Bill Final Mandates
    3 May 2023


    Tabled Committee Reports

    The Select Committee on Appropriations met on a virtual platform to receive the final provincial mandates on the Division of Revenue Bill [B2 – 2023]. The North West and Limpopo legislatures had not yet adopted their final mandates by the time of this meeting. The Western ...

  • NCOP Finance Financial Matters Amendment Bill: National Treasury briefing
    2 May 2023


    The Select Committee on Finance met with National Treasury to be briefed on the Financial Matters Amendment Bill. The Bill made technical amendments to several Acts.

    The Committee had questions regarding the need for stricter sanctions, whether sanctions were retrospectively applicable to when the Auditing Profession Act came into ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill: Negotiating Mandates
    26 Apr 2023


    The Select Committee on Appropriations met on a virtual platform to consider and adopt the provinces' negotiating mandates on the Division of Revenue Bill [B2 – 2023].

    During discussion on the Bill, provinces raised a number of issues. For instance, some complained about the lack of ambulances and vandalism ...