Mr Willem Frederik Faber

Politician Profile Page

Willem Frederik Faber

About Willem Frederik Faber

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development National Land Transport Amendment Bill [B7B-2016]: Negotiating Mandates
    29 Jan 2019

    The Chairperson at the outset of the meeting clarified that the present meeting was only to consider the provincial negotiating mandates of the provinces on the Bill. Deliberations by the Committee on the provincial negotiating mandates as well as responses by the Department of Transport thereto would only take place ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade National Credit Amendment Bill: consideration of submissions
    28 Nov 2018

    The Committee met to consider written submissions on the National Credit Amendment Bill [B30-2018], which was described as a debt intervention bill (DIB). Debt counselling was costly and it was not provided to a certain segment of consumers. That had emerged after the Committee had consulted with debt counsellors, where ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Committee Legacy Report
    27 Nov 2018

    The Committee considered and adopted several outstanding minutes.

    The Committee decided not to consider its Legacy Report and Annual Report because the documents were not complete. Both will be considered the following week.

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Treaty on Prohibition of the Nuclear Weapons ratification
    14 Nov 2018

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) provided some background to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The United Nations Conference adopted the TPNW on 7 July 2017. The TPNW was the culmination of the humanitarian initiative on nuclear weapons. It was a strategic intervention given ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Competition Amendment Bill [B23B-2018]: public hearings
    13 Nov 2018

    COSATU supported the Bill and asked that the Committee and the National Council of Provinces speedily process the Bill. COSATU believed that the instances of collusion by mainly white owned apartheid style companies had flourished due to previous economic practices. The Bill sought to end the rampant corruption by the ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Department of Tourism 2017/18 Annual Report
    31 Oct 2018

    Annual Reports 2017/18

    The National Department of Tourism (NDT) briefed the Committee on its 2017/18 Annual Report.

    The NDT had managed to obtain an unqualified audit report with no matters of emphasis but there was however findings by the Auditor General of SA. On the financials of the NDT, total ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development AARTO Bill [B38B-2015]: final mandates
    30 Oct 2018

    Delegates presented their respective final mandates on the Bill to the Committee. The Eastern Cape Province, the Free State Province, the KwaZulu-Natal Province, the Limpopo Province, the Mpumalanga Province and the Northern Cape Province voted in favour of the Bill. The Western Cape Province was not in support of the ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade National Credit Amendment Bill [B30-2018]: briefing
    10 Oct 2018

    The Parliamentary Legal Advisor briefed the Committee on the National Credit Amendment Bill. The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry in October 2016 had initiated the Bill to provide debt relief measures for the most vulnerable of consumers. One of the main themes of the Bill was to create a ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development National Land Transport Amendment Bill [B7B-2016]: Department response to submissions
    9 Oct 2018

    The Department of Transport presented its responses to submissions received on the National Land Transport Amendment Bill from Uber South Africa Technology, Taxify South Africa, South African Local Government Association (SALGA), Uber Driver Partners, South African Metered Taxi Operators (SAMTO) and South African E-Hailing Association (SAEHA). DoT said for the ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Competition Amendment Bill: briefing by Minister and Deputy Minister
    9 Oct 2018

    The Minister of Economic Development provided an overview of the Competition Amendment Bill to the Select Committee although the Bill was due to be passed by the Portfolio Committee only on 16 October. The Competition Act was enacted twenty years ago in 1998. Over time, certain gaps had been identified. ...