2019-w470 - 05 September 2019

Denis Joseph to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1) What were the main reasons behind the recent reconfiguration of government departments; (2) whether the reconfiguration of government departments will result in the implementation of any cost-containment measures; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) from which financial year will the savings of the cost-containment measures be calculated and (b) what is the predicted resultant savings for the Government in each case? NWJ462E

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 5 Sep 2019





Director-General and Secretary of the Cabinet: In The Presidency

Date: 04/09/2019

Recommended/ Not recommended

Hon. Thembi Siweya, MP

Deputy Minister in The Presidency

Date: 04/09/2019


Hon. Jackson Mthembu, MP
Minister in the Presidency
Date: 04/09/2019

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2019-w378 - 23 August 2019

Hlanganani Siphelele Gumbi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What (a) number of official international trips is (i) he and (ii) his deputy planning to undertake in the 2019-22 medium term expenditure framework, (b) will the (i) destination, (ii) date, (iii) purpose and (iv) number of persons who will travel with the delegation be and (c) is the detailed breakdown of the expected cost of (i) flights, (ii) accommodation and (iii) any other expenses in each case? NW1350E

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 23 Aug 2019

Minister Jackson Mthembu, MP

Below is a few known and planned international trips and there could be additional as per invitations and mandated by the President.



Trip Purpose

Number of Persons

Estimated Costs


(yearly programme)

Addis Ababa,


Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the

Estimated 5 persons

Not known
rates of the flights ...

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2019-w418 - 23 August 2019

Leon Amos Schreiber to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1) Whether, with reference to the reply by the former Minister in The Presidency to question 3866 on 7 January 2019, he will furnish Dr LA Schreiber with a copy of the Policy on the Benefits of Executive Office; if not, why not; (2) what is the (a) name and (b) designation of each person who currently qualifies for benefits contained in the specified policy?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 23 Aug 2019

Name: Ms Linese Pillay
Designation: Administrative Manager: Former Principals Unit
Contacts: (012) 300 5581


Director-General and Secretary to the Cabinet
Date: 22/08/2019


Hon. Thembi Siweya, MP

Deputy Minister in The Presidency



Hon. Jackson Mthembu, MP

Minister in The Presidency

Date: 22/08/2019

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2019-w272 - 16 April 2019

Ntombovuyo Veronica Mente to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What number of (a) tender briefings were held in 2018 by (i) her Office and (ii) each of the entities reporting to her and (b) the specified briefings were compulsory?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 16 Apr 2019

What number of (a) tender briefings were held in 2018 by (i) her Office and (ii) each of the entities reporting to her and (b) the specified briefings were compulsory?

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2019-w116 - 26 March 2019

Roger William Tobias Chance to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether, with reference to the reply of the Minister of Finance to question 3424 on 18 December 2018, accounting officers of government departments faced (a) criminal and/or (b) disciplinary actions related to the late payments of suppliers (i) in the (aa) 2016-17 and/or (bb) 2017-18 financial years and/or (ii) since 1 April 2018; if not, why not; if so, what are the (aaa) relevant details and (bbb) outcomes of any disciplinary action or criminal prosecution taken in each case?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 26 Mar 2019

Whether, with reference to the reply of the Minister of Finance to question 3424 on 18 December 2018, accounting officers of government departments faced (a) criminal and/or (b) disciplinary actions related to the late payments of suppliers (i) in the (aa) 2016-17 and/or (bb) 2017-18 financial years and/or (ii) since 1 April 2018; if not, why not; if so, what are the (aaa) relevant ...

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2019-w236 - 26 March 2019

Ntombovuyo Veronica Mente to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)Did her Office cancel the Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT); if so, why; (2) (a) what amount has been spent on the MPAT and (b) can this spending be considered wasteful expenditure; (3) has she found that the MPAT has produced the desired results since its implementation; if not why not; if so, what were the specified results?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 26 Mar 2019

(1)Did her Office cancel the Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT); if so, why; (2) (a) what amount has been spent on the MPAT and (b) can this spending be considered wasteful expenditure; (3) has she found that the MPAT has produced the desired results since its implementation; if not why not; if so, what were the specified results?

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2019-w137 - 19 March 2019

Yusuf Cassim to ask the Minister in the Presidency

With reference to the reply of the Minister of Public Service and Administration to question 3797 on 21 December 2018, what was the total expenditure incurred by her Office relating to the travel privileges contained in the 2007 Ministerial Handbook of former (a)(i) Ministers and (ii) their spouses, (b)(i) Deputy Ministers and (ii) their spouses, (c) Ministers’ widows or widowers and (d) Deputy Ministers’ widows or widowers (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 19 Mar 2019

With reference to the reply of the Minister of Public Service and Administration to question 3797 on 21 December 2018, what was the total expenditure incurred by her Office relating to the travel privileges contained in the 2007 Ministerial Handbook of former (a)(i) Ministers and (ii) their spouses, (b)(i) Deputy Ministers and (ii) their spouses, (c) Ministers’ widows or widowers and (d) Deputy Ministers’ ...

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2019-w363 - 19 March 2019

Anchen Margaretha Dreyer to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What proportion of the population is living below R2 per day?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 19 Mar 2019

What proportion of the population is living below R2 per day?

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2019-w67 - 26 February 2019

Hlengiwe Octavia Mkhaliphi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether, since she came into office in 2018, any persons or companies that donated to her ANC presidential campaign received government contracts; if so, (a) what are their names and (b)(i) which contracts were they awarded, (ii) when and (iii) what was the value of each government contract?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 26 Feb 2019

Not to my knowledge.

  1. Not Applicable
  2. Not Applicable





as amended



Dr NC Dlamini-Zuma

Minister in the Presidency: Planning Monitoring and Evaluation



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2018-w3452 - 30 November 2018

Annelie Lotriet to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)(a) On what date did her Office last conduct an audit of artwork owned by Government which is under the curatorship of her Office and (b) what are the details of each artwork under the curatorship of her Office according to the Generally Recognised Accounting Practice 103; (2) Whether any artworks under under the curatorship of her Office have gone missing (a) in each of the past five financial years and (b) since 1 April 2018; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 30 Nov 2018


A) The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation does not own any artwork.

B) Not Applicable.

2. Not Applicable






as amended



Dr NC Dlamini-Zuma

Minister in the Presidency: Planning Monitoring and Evaluation



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