2021-w1278 - 25 June 2021

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)Whether, with respect to the moratorium placed on filling vacancies pending the reconfiguration of Brand SA, SA Tourism and Invest South Africa, the moratorium was placed on all three entities or only on Brand SA; if the moratorium was placed only on Brand SA, what were the reasons; (2) whether there are plans in place to lift the moratorium in order to allow for the filling of critical posts at an executive level in the specified entities; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 25 Jun 2021

1. I can only be able to respond on the Brand SA which is under my authority. The temporary moratorium was put in place, whilst the work assigned towards establishing an effective and streamlined entity out of the three mentioned entities. The mentioned entities will drive an international marketing programme of the country.

2. Whether there are plans in place to lift the moratorium ...

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2021-w679 - 25 June 2021

Leonard Jones Basson to ask the Minister in the Presidency

Whether (a) her Office and/or (b) any entity reporting to her makes use of private security firms; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (i) name of each firm, (ii) purpose, (iii) value and (iv) duration of each specified contract?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 25 Jun 2021

  • None of the two Entities (Brand SA and MDDA) use private security.

Thank you.

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2021-w940 - 25 June 2021

Mimmy Martha Gondwe to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)Whether, in view of the performance agreements that the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, signed and concluded with the various Ministers, a framework has been developed to manage the performance of the Ministers; if not, why not; if so, was the framework approved by Cabinet; (2) how often will the President review and assess the performance of the various Ministers; (3) whether her Office will upload the performance reviews and assessments on its website, in an effort to promote accountability and transparency on the part of the Executive; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) how will the Deputy Ministers be reviewed and assessed and (b) will the President conclude performance agreements with the Deputy Ministers as well?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 25 Jun 2021

(1) Yes, a framework was developed.

(2) The President will perform reviews annually considering performance score cards developed by DPME. DPME will also submit Mid-Year reports concerning progress in the implementation of the Annual Performance Plans (APP’s) of Departments. This will serve as early warning systems to identify areas that are lagging behind against the targets set in the APP.

(3) The Mid-Year performance ...

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2021-w714 - 21 June 2021

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1) What are the details of the number of paid-for interviews the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) aired on community radio stations in each province since 1 January 2020; (2) what was the (a) date of the interview, (b) name of the community radio station the interview was aired, (c) name of the person(s) who appeared on the interview and (d) cost of airing the interview in each case; (3) whether the GCIS (a) paid for and/or (b) promoted interviews conducted with any person who is not an employee of any national, provincial or local government department or entity in the specified period; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the full relevant details in each case?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 21 Jun 2021

1. Community Radio remains one of the most effective mediums made use of by the GCIS Provincial and District offices for conveying messages and information, especially in very remote and deep rural areas. These platforms are enjoying a good listenership from their respective communities.

GCIS implemented 296 paid for radio interviews or talk shows during the period under review to unpack government communication and programmes ...

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2021-w971 - 16 April 2021

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

With reference to (a) each of the past seven financial years and (b) the 2021-22 financial year, what (i) are the names of the brand agencies contracted to Brand South Africa, (ii) was the total value of each contract in respect of each project and (iii) was the (aa) name and (bb) duration of each project?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 16 Apr 2021

  1. The spreadsheet is herewith attached detailing the requested information.

Thank you.

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2021-w545 - 16 April 2021

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What (a) are the names of the companies contracted to provide (i) masks, (ii) sanitisers and (iii) disinfecting and/or fogging services at the (aa) Union Buildings, (bb) Office of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, (cc) Brand South Africa offices both local and abroad and (dd) Statistics South Africa in the period 1 March 2020 to 15 February 2021 and (b) is the value in rand of each contract?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 16 Apr 2021

(aa) Union Buildings

The Presidency did not enter into a contract with any supplier for the above-mentioned items, however this items were sourced through once off procurement which was a combination of over the counter procurement and request for quotation through Central Supplier Database (CSD).

(bb) Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

See attached separate reply by DPME

(cc) Brand ...

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2021-w546 - 16 April 2021

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What number of staff members in (a) The Presidency, (b) the Office of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, (c) Brand South Africa Offices, both local and abroad, and (d) Statistics South Africa lost their lives due to (i) COVID-19 and (ii) COVID-19 related complications in the period 1 March 2020 to 15 February 2021?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 16 Apr 2021

a) Presidency

(i)The Presidency lost (01) female employee with a comorbidity (Disability) due to Covid 19

(ii) The Presidency lost (01) female employee due to Covid – 19 related complications in the period 01 March 2020 to 15 February 2021.

b) Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

DPME lost (02) staff members excluding the late Minister in the Presidency who lost his life due ...

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2021-w547 - 16 April 2021

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What amount, in Rands has (a) The Presidency, (b) the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, (c) Brand South Africa Offices, both local and abroad, and (d) Statistics South Africa spent on (i) flowers (ii) cards and (iii) gifts to families of deceased staff members in each of the above offices in the period 1 March 2020 to 15 February 2021?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 16 Apr 2021

a) Presidency

(i)The Presidency has spent R10 539, 95 on flowers between the periods, 1 March 2020 to 15 February 2021.

(ii)The Presidency has spent R130.00, on sympathy cards between the periods, 1 March 2020 to 15 February 2021.

(iii)The Presidency has made the donation of R20 000.00 to two families of deceased staff members between the period, 1 March to 15 February 2021.

b) Department ...

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2021-w970 - 12 April 2021

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What total amount was spent on public service announcements at (a) eNCA, (b) SABC 2, (c) SABC 3 and (d)(i) print and (ii) digital media platforms for COVID-19 awareness campaigns in the period 1 March 2020 and 1 March 2021?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 12 Apr 2021

The GCIS did not spend any funds for the flighting of PSA’s. The Public Service Announcements were flighted by all major media houses free of charge both on TV and on Radio.

a) ENCA flighted 11 spots and the total value of the PSA’s was R125 250.00

b) SABC 1, 2 & 3 flighted a total of 14 spots and the value of the PSA’s ...

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2021-w224 - 12 April 2021

Mmoba Solomon Malatsi to ask the Minister in the Presidency

(1)What total number of (a) staff members and (b) political appointees in (i) senior management and (ii) middle management in (aa) The Presidency and (bb) his Office have submitted their financial disclosures by 21 January 2021; (2) what (a) total number of employees including their (i) names and (ii) positions failed to submit their disclosures and (b) actions has been taken in respect of each individual who failed to submit financial disclosures by 21 January 2021?

Reply from the Minister in the Presidency on 12 Apr 2021

The 2019/20 Financial Disclosure Period:

1. By 31 August 2020, The Presidency had a [1]100 % compliance level in terms of all staff members submitting their financial disclosures.

The Breakdown is per financial disclosure category:

a) Members of the Senior Management Service - All 58 submitted their financial disclosures by 30 May 2020.

b) Members in the Middle Management category (MMS12) – all ...

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