2023-w3190 - 26 October 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(a) To whom was the payment of R250 000 that was paid from the Office of Health Standards Compliance into a certain bank account (details furnished) on 3 December 2021 and (b) what was the specified payment for?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 26 Oct 2023

a) According to the Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC), the specified amount of R250,000 was paid to “Z Jojwana HR Consulting Company”.

b) The payment was for services rendered for an investigation into capacity issues within the Human Resources Unit at the OHSC. The report is titled “Department of Human Resources poor performance investigation report”.


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2023-w3039 - 11 October 2023

Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam to ask the Minister of Health

What measures have been put in place to (a) ensure that all medical graduates who have completed their community services are placed at relevant health facilities and (b) address the difficulty doctors experience in being allowed to write their board examinations to be integrated into the medical field of the Republic so that they can contribute effectively to the health of the people?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

a) To date from January 2023, a total of 3 974 posts of medical doctors were advertised and filled as compared to 2 053 medical doctors’ posts of the previous year (2022) for the same periods of employment. This means that an additional 1 921 posts for medical doctors were funded to accommodate unemployed medical doctors.

It is also acknowledged that not all unemployed ...

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2023-w3044 - 11 October 2023

Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam to ask the Minister of Health

Whether, given that Muslim women, to whom it is customary to have their heads covered, are being restricted while on duty in healthcare facilities all over the Republic from wearing their head gear, and noting that the head gear poses no risk and/or danger to patients or the worker wearing it, he intends to intervene in the specified matter; if not, why not; if so, by what date will such intervention take place?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

While it is customary for women of the Muslim faith to have their heads covered, not all Muslim women cover their heads. The nursing profession has members of the Muslim faith who currently do not wear head gear.

It is the employer’s responsibility to provide the uniform or give a cash allowance to its employees if the wearing of a uniform is a condition ...

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2023-w3115 - 11 October 2023

Naledi Nokukhanya Chirwa to ask the Minister of Health

Whether provinces report matters related to fraud and corruption of provincial staff to him and/or his department; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what has been the progress on the matter at the Limpopo Department of Health concerning a certain person (name furnished)?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

There is no obligation on the Provincial Departments of Health to report to the National Department of Health matters that relate to discipline, fraud and/or corruption committed by the provincial staff members. The National Department of Health is not privy to any matter that relates to Mr Ntshane Lephoto as that matter has not been reported to the National Department of Health.


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2023-w3053 - 11 October 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

What total number of (a) doctors, (b) nurses and (c) other healthcare workers have not been paid within a 30-day period in each province in the past financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

Employees are generally paid on time by means of the PERSAL system. Some delays in payments for newly appointed staff may be experienced at the end of December due to calendar year end processes or at the end of February due to tax year end processes, but this is not commonly experienced problem and delays would only be for one or two weeks, not ...

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2023-w3052 - 11 October 2023

Michéle Odette Clarke to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether there are ongoing studies on the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether donor blood is tested for COVID-19 vaccinations and labelled as such; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether there have been reported cases of patients reacting negatively to vaccinated blood in the medical sector, including the Republic; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the position of citizens who wish to access unvaccinated blood due to medical and religious reasons?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

1. Applicants are required to submit safety data on vaccines before they are registered by regulatory authorities (SAHPRA in the case of South Africa). Once registered manufacturers and regulatory authorities are required by law to conduct post-marketing surveillance of adverse events following immunisation, and to update or amend registration and product information based on this surveillance.

In addition, health care workers and the public ...

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2023-w3055 - 11 October 2023

Gregory Rudy Krumbock to ask the Minister of Health

What total number of health facilities serve a population of 100 000 in (a) rural and/or (b) urban areas (i) nationally and (ii) in each province?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

In response to the question, all health facilities in both public and private sector were included. The total number of facilities was divided by population using the 2022 Mid-Year Population Estimates by Statistics South Africa. The South African Health Facilities are classified into three categories, Peri-urban, Rural and Urban.

The total number of health facilities that serve a population of 100 000:


(i) Province ...

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2023-w3054 - 11 October 2023

Gregory Rudy Krumbock to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether the last National Health Facilities Baseline Audit was conducted within the past five years; if not, by what date does he intend to conduct a new audit; if so, (2) whether he will furnish Mr G R Krumbock with the relevant details of the latest audit conducted; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

1. Most Provincial Departments have conducted the National Health Facilities Baseline Audits. Some were conducted within the last five years and some are in the process of being reviewed. The table below indicates the last dates of the audits that were conducted/performed by the provincial health departments:


Last date of conditional assessment


June 2013


June 2018


Aug 2017


Nov ...

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2023-w3112 - 11 October 2023

Lorato Florence Tito to ask the Minister of Health

With regard to an acute shortage of doctors in rural areas that affects service delivery, especially in Limpopo where there were over 80 doctors who had still not been placed in health facilities in July, (a) what are the reasons for the specified shortage, (b) out of the 80 doctors, what total number has been placed to date and (c) on what date will all healthcare workers in the province be placed?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

It was actually 81 medical doctors who were allocated/placed for community service at the Limpopo Department of Health by the National Department of Health on 15 June 2023. Their assumption of duty was delayed because the Limpopo Provincial Treasury requested that these 81 medical doctors, must first confirm whether they will be taking up this position prior to granting approval for the creation of ...

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2023-w3111 - 11 October 2023

Lorato Florence Tito to ask the Minister of Health

What measures has he taken about reports that the Limpopo Department of Health is allegedly embroiled in a coal tender fraud and/or corruption debacle regarding procuring services for coal delivery in 14 hospitals whereas some of the specified hospitals do not require the supply of coal on their facility?

Reply from the Minister of Health on 11 Oct 2023

The National Department of Health has not received any report about the coal tender in Limpopo and therefore not privy to any report or allegation of coal tender fraud in the Limpopo Department of Health.


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