2023-w2274 - 17 July 2023

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What mechanisms has his department implemented to oversee and ensure that funeral parlours and associations are vetted in terms of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, Act 51 of 1992, as amended?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Jul 2023

1. The mechanisms to oversee the designation of funeral parlours are stipulated on Section 29(1) of Regulations on the Registration of Births and Deaths Act which provides the requirements as follows:

“An application for designation as a funeral undertaker in terms of section 22A(1) of the Act must be made on Form DHA–1774 illustrated in Annexure 21 and be accompanied by —

(a) a ...

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2023-w2272 - 17 July 2023

Liezl Linda van der Merwe to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Considering that cross-border crime, particularly in the uMkhanyakude District Municipality, has left community members living in fear and that since the start of the year there have been countless incidents, including the murders of anti-crime activists, Mr Sandile Mteshe Tembe and Mr Judah Mthethwa, what steps has his department taken to combat cross-border crime in the absence of a fully functioning Border Management Authority?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Jul 2023

The Border Management Authority has since July 2022, deployed 33 trained Border Guards attached to the Kosibay port of entry and are responsible for the management of the legitimate movement of people and goods. The Border Guards were in terms of Section 334(1), of the Criminal Procedure Act, appointed by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development as “Peace Officers”

In relation to the ...

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2023-w2238 - 17 July 2023

Mothusi Kenneth Montwedi to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1) On what date is it envisaged that his department will finalise the matter of a certain person (name and details furnished) who discovered upon his appointment in 2008 when his identity document was blocked that the specified document was defrauded in 2006; (2) whether an investigation into the matter has been initiated; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the outcomes since the matter was reported to his department in 2009 and (b)(i) total number of similar matters have been reported to his department in the past three years that have not been resolved to date and (ii) caused the delays?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Jul 2023

1. Section 12 of the Identification Act, 1997 (Act No.68 of 1997) provides for the “Verification of particulars” and states as follows:

The Director-General may—

(a) request any person to furnish the Director-General with proof of the correctness of any particulars which have been furnished in respect of such person in any docurnent in terms of this Act; and

(b) investigate or cause ...

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2023-w1960 - 17 July 2023

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With reference to electronic visa applications (a) in the past three financial years and (b) from 1 April 2023 to date, (i) what (aa) total number of applications were rejected in each month and (bb) are the reasons for the rejections in each case, (ii) from which countries were applications rejected in each month and (iii) what is the average time taken between an application received and an application rejected in each month?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Jul 2023

The Total received in the last 3 Financial years:

  1. 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2023 = 28 761
  2. Total received from 1 April 2023 to May 2023 = 6 824

(i)(aa) Total rejected – 16190 in 3 years

(i)(bb) Most common reasons for rejection are:

1. Bank statements

- Invalid

- Not certified

- More than 3 months old

2. Lack of supporting documents

3. ...

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2023-w2318 - 03 July 2023

Lorraine Senye to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether, with reference to his department’s announcement last year of the recruitment of 10 000 unemployed young graduates for the digitisation of its civic paper records, which was set to happen in three phases (details furnished), all 10 000 unemployed graduates have been recruited into his department; if not, why not; if so, what total number of the more than 350 million civic paper records have been digitised to date;

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 3 Jul 2023

  1. The employment of the 10 000 unemployed young graduates is in Three Phases. In the first phase we earmark to recruit 2000 unemployed youth, however 1045 were recruited and we are planning to fill the outstanding during the second phase.

The advert for the 2nd 4000 cohort closed on the 03 March 2023 and there were 45028 applications received. The third phase will conclude the ...

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2023-w2465 - 03 July 2023

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With regard to the total number of tourism visa applications received by his department in the 2022-23 financial year, (a) what total number of visa applications were (i) received and (ii) rejected, (b) for what reasons that they were rejected and (c) what were the nationalities of the persons (i) who had successfully applied and (ii) whose applications were rejected?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 3 Jul 2023

  1. Total number of visa applications
  2. Received: 15 935
  3. Rejected: 2 084
  1. The most common reason for rejection were for invalid return flight tickets or no proof of reservation thereof.
  1. The nationalities of the persons:
  2. Successfully applied: Attached as Annexure A
  3. Rejected: Attached as Annexure B


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2023-w2220 - 03 July 2023

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Regarding the project to employ 10 000 youth to digitise Home Affairs records, (a) where have the first cohort been posted, (b) what number has been posted at each location and (c) what number of records have been digitised at each of the specified locations since the posting of each cohort?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 3 Jul 2023

  1. The first cohort of the youth has been posted in the following provinces:

Name of Province

Eastern Cape

Free State


Limpopo Province


Northern Cape

North West

Western Cape


  1. The breakdown of youth deployment is as follows:

Eastern Cape


Free State




Limpopo Province




Northern Cape


North West


Western Cape



503 ...

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2023-w2466 - 03 July 2023

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) Who is the chairperson of the Immigration Advisory Board that was established in terms of section 4 and 5 of the Immigration Act, Act 13 of 2002, (b) who are the other members of the board appointed in terms of section 4(2)(a-l) of the specified Act, (c) what number of meetings were held by the board in the 2022-23 financial year, (d) what was the advice and/or outputs of the board to him in the specified financial year and (e) what was the total remuneration paid to the board in the 2022-23 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 3 Jul 2023

(a) The current Minister of Home Affairs has not appointed the Immigration Board in terms of Section 4 and 5 of the Immigration Act.

(b) The reason for not doing so is because the Department of Home Affairs is developing new Immigration, Refugee Protection and Citizenship Policy framework which is enroute to Cabinet.

(c) Please refer to answer above.

(d) Please refer to answer ...

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2023-w2384 - 26 June 2023

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What (a) are the technological and/or system impediments that prevent (i) South Africans born overseas and (ii) naturalised citizens from being able to apply for Smart IDs, (b) steps have been taken to resolve the issues, (c) are the estimated time frames for total resolution of the issues and (d) is the target date for his department to start accepting Smart ID applications from South Africans born overseas and naturalised citizens?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 26 Jun 2023

(a)(i)&(ii) There are no technological or system impediments that prevent South Africans born overseas from applying for Smart ID Cards. South Africans born abroad are able to apply for Smart ID Cards in the country.

(b) Naturalised citizens will soon be able to apply for Smart ID Cards once we have completed the verification process of their records.

(c) & (d) The Minister will ...

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2023-w2316 - 26 June 2023

Lorato Florence Tito to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Following his announcement to pilot self-service kiosks to be placed in some shopping malls, what are the reasons that he is not considering spreading the kiosks to the rural areas where the services are needed the most?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 26 Jun 2023

The Department of Home Affairs offices are located in various geographical areas and all offices in both urban and rural areas will have the self-service KIOSK. Thus, there will be no reason to deny communities in rural areas access to the self-service machine as the machines will be deployed in all DHA offices. The rollout will be informed by the available budget in a ...

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