2023-w3369 - 06 November 2023

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Regarding the Ministerial Review Panel and data recovery process at the Government Printing Works, (a) what are the total costs (i) of the ministerial review panel to date, and (ii) incurred on the project to recover and/or recompile data lost in (aa) February 2021, (bb) January 2022, (cc) March 2022 and (dd) April 2022 and (b) from which budget item were the costs taken in each case?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 6 Nov 2023

(a)(i) The total cost incurred on the implementation of the Ministerial Review Panel recommendations amounts to R4 184 843.18.

(a)(ii)(aa) No costs were incurred by the GPW on the project to recover and/or recompile data lost in February 2021.

The following organisations were consulted to assist with data recovery:

• Hewlett Packard (OEM)

• CSSI data recovery specialists

• State Security Agency (SSA)

GPW did ...

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2023-w3415 - 01 November 2023

Mandisa Makesini to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With reference to the online Branch Appointment Booking System of his department, which specific assistance is provided to computer illiterate clients who are unable to make online bookings at the Bloemfontein Home Affairs offices?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 1 Nov 2023

The Office is assisting clients without appointments on two counters dedicated for walk in clients. There is also a tablet in the office for those who need assistance to do bookings.


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2023-w3185 - 01 November 2023

Manuel Simão Franca De Freitas to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With reference to his reply to question 2018 on 28 June 2023, what (a) steps have been taken to improve the average turn-around time and (b)(i) processes, (ii) procedures, (iii) milestones and (iv) deadlines are being put in place to assist and facilitate applicants who have incomplete and/or incorrectly completed applications?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 1 Nov 2023

a) The Department has instituted weekly management meetings chaired by the Director-General. The purpose of the meeting is to monitor performance on the turnaround times for targets that are at risk of not being achieved. The Acting Deputy Director-General: Immigration Services also has weekly performance monitoring meetings with the management of Permitting where a status report is tabled on the progress being made against ...

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2023-w3177 - 27 October 2023

Mkhuleko Hlengwa to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What are the full relevant details of the new model on migration that he is finalising work on to facilitate ease of movement of people, goods, and services between the Republic and Lesotho, following on the inaugural Bi-National Commission between the two countries that was held on 28 September 2023?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 27 Oct 2023

The discussion on the migration models between South Africa and the Kingdom of Lesotho will be joint research on how migration should be managed between the two countries recognising Lesotho’s geo-political position as a landlocked country. All movement between Lesotho and third countries involves transit through South Africa as well as regular movement between the peoples of the country on a daily basis. The ...

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2023-w3207 - 24 October 2023

Haseena Ismail to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

In light of the fact that a full e-Visa system is a prerequisite for the revival and growth of tourism in the Republic, what are the details of the (a) roadmap outlining the targeted milestones and (b) timelines for the comprehensive implementation of e-Visas in the Republic?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 24 Oct 2023

a) The Department has implemented an e-Visa system for tourist purposes, attendance of meetings and conferences and short-term business visas for 35 countries that are not visa exempt.

b) This e-Visa system will be extended to Study, Business and Intra Company Visas categories by the end of this financial year.



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2023-w3171 - 24 October 2023

Elphas Mfakazeleni Buthelezi to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What amount has been allocated to the newly launched Border Management Authority in the 2023-24 financial year?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 24 Oct 2023

As part of its establishment, the BMA integrated a total of 2100 staff members from 4 different government departments. The departments include:

  • The Department of Home Affairs.
  • The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.
  • The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment.
  • The Department of Health.

As part of the transfer, the BMA received R1.3 billion (R1 341 224 000) for Compensation of Employees as ...

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2023-w3005 - 17 October 2023

Benedicta Maria Van Minnen to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether, given that several questions have already been asked about the poor service offered at his department’s office located in Main Road, Somerset West, Western Cape, but there has been no change and problems are continuing, any progress has been made with regard to dealing with the very bad service offered by the specified office; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what are the reasons that the queues continue to be so bad that people are queuing overnight to access the office, despite the office allegedly working on an appointment system; (3) whether any progress has been made regarding the issue of assisting the elderly and handicapped people to gain access into to the building; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Oct 2023

1. The following progress has been made:

      • A civic supervisor was appointed who monitors service delivery and the process to clear the long queues.
      • A staff member is designated to manage the queues daily.
      • The prioritised categories of clients for example, persons with disabilities, the aged (senior citizens) and mothers with babies are referred into the office.
      • The office utilizes all possible back office ...
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2023-w3110 - 17 October 2023

Thapelo Mogale to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(a) What is the (i) total number of uncollected ID documents and (ii) breakdown of the number of uncollected ID documents in each province, (b)(i) which Home Affairs offices have the highest number of uncollected IDs and (ii) what has he found to be the main reasons for non-collection and (c) what steps has his department taken to reduce the number of uncollected IDs and ensure that people collect their IDs?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Oct 2023

(a)(i) Total number of uncollected ID documents is 566 429 Out of 566 429 cases there are 63 452 deceased cases leaving a balance of 502 977 uncollected IDs.

(a)(ii) The breakdown per Province is depicted in the table below:
























48884 ...

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2023-w3119 - 17 October 2023

Lorato Florence Tito to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What total number of Home Affairs offices (a) have proper information technology support and backup for instances of load shedding and (b) are without support and backup?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Oct 2023

a) All DHA offices have information technology support even though it is not always on-site support because we have 48 resources in total providing IT support across all DHA offices. One IT support resource is assigned to each District within the Province, while specialists at head office provide assistance for all of them remotely when they log a call. The Department has installed generators ...

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2023-w3097 - 17 October 2023

Adrian Christopher Roos to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1) Whether the data contained in the biometric databases of the (a) Home Affairs National Identification System and (b) Automated Biometric Information System is end to end encrypted when accessed by banks and other clients; if not, why not; if so, what are the details of the security systems and standards that are implemented in this regard; (2) Whether it is possible for clients to receive any data such as (a) fingerprints, (b) photo, (c) identity number, (d) full name and/or (e) any other personal information in any format that can be stored in a data store of their own; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Reply from the Minister of Home Affairs on 17 Oct 2023

1. Yes, the data contained in the biometric databases of the (a) Home Affairs National Identification System and (b) Automated Biometric Information System is encrypted. The security systems and standards that are implemented are HTTPS using TLSv1.2 and entrust digital certificates.

2. No, the client cannot store any data on their own. They can only do verification against DHA based on the request of ...

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